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Bachelor International Management - 3rd year admission
After a 2-year Degree
Management brings together all the techniques for organising resources that are used to run an organisation efficiently. The role of the manager consists in particular of managing human, financial and material resources.
Team management requires a multitude of "hard skills", such as the ability to organise, to plan actions over time, to manage one's budget, to obtain material resources, to report to one's hierarchy, etc. All of these functions require a solid base of management skills that enable the manager or company director to manage his or her tasks effectively and to ensure that his or her department/company functions properly.
The human factor occupies a central place in the life of a manager. Being able to offer a vision to your teams and to share it, to motivate them on a daily basis, to give them unfailing support and to establish a climate of trust and mutual respect are all skills required in the daily management of a team. Soft skills such as the ability to communicate, to delegate, empathy, agility, creativity, emotional intelligence... are essential to becoming a manager who is as effective on the human level as on the operational level.
Being a successful manager cannot be improvised. In addition to the human qualities that are essential for leading and uniting teams, steering projects in a collaborative manner and empowering each employee, you must also master :
The training provided by business schools allows you to master the fundamentals of management, to develop your leadership and to acquire all the skills necessary for the good management of a team.
It is then your personality and your experiences that will allow you to develop your own management style.
Your business school course will enable you to understand the key areas of management and to develop the experience necessary to lead your teams, whether in remote or hybrid mode, and to learn to communicate well and to manage conflicts.
The manager must be able to create a collaborative dynamic, work with a variety of profiles and encourage diversity.
Adopt the posture of a coach, an inspiring leader who knows how to mobilise, arouse enthusiasm and unite towards a common goal. Become a leader of digital transformation and accompany all the changes in the company and its environment. Develop the autonomy of your employees by adopting a management style that encourages initiative.
Through the corporate experiences acquired during your training (internships, missions, work-study programmes, etc.), you will develop these soft skills and develop personally to learn to better manage your emotions and make the right managerial decisions according to the context and the people you are dealing with.
There is a wide range of jobs available after a management training course, including :
There is a wide range of careers available after completing a management training course in the sustainable development sector, including :
Sustainable development professions
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After a 2-year Degree
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After a baccalaureate diploma or equivalent
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After a Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent
on file Passerelle 1 exam Passerelle 2 exam
After a 3-year non-French undergraduate degree
There is no standard profile for joining a management school. The courses to become a manager are aimed at a variety of profiles, especially as the specialities offered cover a wide range of disciplines.
In every company, in every field of activity, you will find team managers with varying degrees of responsibility, but whose role is above all to ensure the smooth running of the department for which they are responsible. People who are leaders will naturally be more attracted to this type of position, but in reality, anyone can become a manager at the beginning of their career or when they have acquired sufficient experience.
Après avoir passé ses oraux à l'EM Normandie en 2000, Noémi Carpentier a obtenu son diplôme en 2004. Elle a ensuite rejoint le groupe Lagardère Publicité, puis a posé ses valises au Groupe M6 en 2008. Retrouvez son témoignage.
Vincianne, diplômée en 2006 nous raconte son parcours de l'EM Normandie à aujourd'hui avec le "Projet du bateau". Un projet qui lui tient à cœur car elle œuvre pour une cause humanitaire. Un beau parcours qui lui permet de s'épanouir.
Il nous partage son expérience chez Adone Conseil en tant que Consultant Luxe & Retail. Il nous parle aussi du jeu de société qu'il a créé sur le thème de la ville de Caen.
Gwendoline garde d'excellents souvenirs de ses 6 années passées à l'école. Malgré deux années passées à l'étranger, c'est le sentiment de faire partie d'une famille qui domine. Elle est maintenant à la tête d'une équipe à Mexico pour une société basée à Paris.
Après 5 années à l'EM Normandie, Charlotte avait acquis des bases solides sur le monde de l'entreprise. Elle a intégré une entreprise internationale et fait évoluer sa carrière rapidement pour être aujourd'hui responsable d'une équipe de 10 personnes.
You can join a Bachelor degree as soon as you have obtained your high-school degree (Baccalauréat in France). It is also possible to join a Master in management course after validating a first degree or after preparatory classes.
These generalist courses allow you to acquire the fundamentals of management and strategic management during the first years with subjects such as accounting, introduction to finance, marketing analysis, economics, etc.
You will also learn to become an agile manager prepared for the business world with courses such as project management, corporate governance, management of multicultural teams, etc.
In the Master's programme, you can specialise in the field of your choice according to your skills and your professional project: entrepreneurship, finance, digital marketing, international sales, logistics, human resources, etc.
Managerial skills are acquired through experience and by putting into practice what you learn in class: projects carried out in teams, involvement in associations, assignments in companies, etc. Professional experiences that help you gain experience and maturity.
To train in management, there are training programmes of varying lengths, from 3 to 5 years of higher education. These programmes are designed for students after their high school degree, their preparatory class or after a first diploma.
Managers with several years of experience or graduates wishing to strengthen their expertise in a particular field can enrol in a post-master degree (MS ®) or an MSc ®, a highly professional course to develop their skills in a specific aspect of management.
These specialised courses enable students to develop professionally and/or to obtain a managerial position in fields such as supply chain, digital marketing, communication, entrepreneurship, finance, sustainable development, etc.