• Anglais
  • Français

Bachelor International Management - 3rd year admission

A programme renowned in France and internationally


Offered in 1 year after a two-year higher education degree, the Bachelor International Management programme trains middle managers capable of working in an international environment. It is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as a Bac+3 and has the bachelor's degree status, guaranteeing that your diploma will be recognised both in France and internationally. The programme is also registered with the RNCP, level 6 (RNCP36813 - DipViGrL - Diplôme d'enseignement supérieur en management international). It is ranked in the Top 10 of national league tables (Le Figaro Étudiant, le Parisien Étudiant and Challenges).

3-year diploma
Le Havre
English French
  • Strengths and Advantages
  • Programme
  • Admission
  • Career
  • Tuition fees and funding

Programme highlights

    Benefit from innovative teaching methods and develop your international mindset

    Discover immersive, gamified teaching methods and develop your analytical skills. If you wish, you can study 100% in English and practise a second language among 9 languages to choose from*. You'll also work in a multicultural environment every day, with a class made up of national and international students.

    Experience real-life situations

    You'll have plenty of opportunities to put your theoretical knowledge into practice. As part of your initial training programme, take part in a Business Game, get involved in an associative or civic project and complete an internship of up to 6 months in France or abroad. If you have a well-developed career plan, you can also join the work-study track, under certain conditions: take on real responsibilities thanks to an optimal rhythm of three weeks in a company versus one week at the school.

    Boost your professional integration

    Take advantage of the Career Path, one of the most highly-developed support systems, to refine your career plan and stand out in front of recruiters. You can also join the EM Normandie Business School Alumni Association as soon as you join, to benefit from advice from experienced professionals, build your network and land career opportunities.


    I joined the Bachelor in 3rd year, after graduating with a BTS in international trade, in order to specialise in logistics. This year of training gave me the opportunity to get to know myself better, identify my strengths and build up my self-confidence. Today, I'm a Stock Analyst at Van Cleef & Arpels, a luxury jeweller in the Richemont group. My advice to candidates looking for their future training programme: be ambitious and don't be afraid to take the plunge. Your professional future starts now.
    Clément, 2022 graduate


    Title enrolled on the RNCP level 6 registered under the code RNCP36813
    DipViGrL - Higher Education Diploma in International Management
    Awarding authority: EM Normandie Business School
    Registration date: 01/09/2022



    The Bachelor International Management programme at EM Normandie Business School prepares candidates to become operational company managers, capable of working in an international environment. The programme targets the following skills:

    • Carrying out assignments in a changing environment
    • Managing the company's local and international operations
    • Developing and implementing a responsible marketing and sales plan
    • Working as part of a local and international team
    • Use digital tools and remote working


    The blocks of skills in the qualification cannot be acquired separately, as the course covers all the blocks of skills.

  • BMI3

    Semesters 1 and 2

    Le Havre Campus

    Semester 1

    5 electives to choose from:

    Curriculum taught in English:

    • Geopolitics
    • Internet of things and blockchain
    • International finance
    • Marketing management
    • Multicultural management

    Curriculum taught in French:

    • Démarche marketing
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Leadership et management des équipes
    • Management de la qualité
    • Supply chain management

    First living language (English)

    Second living language from a choice of 9 languages

    Semester 2

    1 option to choose from:

    • Service industries
      - Marketing services
      - Tourism and hospitality services
      - Financial and gaming services
    • Digital Business
      - Digital marketing applications
      - Internet law and cybersecurity
      - E-commerce operations
    • Logistics
      - Multimodal transportation
      - Logistics 4.0
      - Port management

    First living language (English)

    Second living language from a choice of 9 languages


    Semesters 1 and 2

    International double degree at a partner university

    Compulsory internship

    of 12-24 weeks in France or abroad Internship in order to gain substancial experience in the chosen caeer direction


    Work-study multiple specialism courses

    Le Havre, Caen or Paris**

    Become an employee at a company
    Spend 1 week at the School and 3 weeks at a company

    Semesters 1 and 2

    • Démarche marketing
    • Entrepreneuriat
    • Finance Internationale
    • Géopolitique
    • Introduction au marketing digital
    • Management interculturel
    • Management stratégique
    • Management supply chain
    • Méthodologie de recherche
    • Négociation commerciale
    • Anglais des affaires


    Admission requirements

    The programme is open to students, who hold a non-French degree obtained after at least three years of higher education outside France (Licence degree, Bachelor’s degree, Benke...). The age limit is set at 25 years old.

    Apply to this programme

    User's guide for application form

    Admission Procedure

    1. Selection based on examination of the application file: seriousness of the application, quality of the academic and/or professional profile.
    2. Remote interview with an academic advisor: to find out more about the applicant, his/her plans and objectives. The admission decision (admitted, refused) is made a few days after the interview.
    3. Admitted candidates receive a formal e-mail inviting them to pay a deposit (deductible from tuition fees), which enables them to reserve their place on the programme and triggers a final letter of acceptance.


    Supporting documents required for the application:

    • your CV,
    • your most recent diploma,
    • your transcripts from previous years and your certificate of enrolment for the current year,
    • your covering letter,
    • a copy of your ID (front and back) or passport,

    In addition to the EM Normandie application form, international candidates must approach their local Campus France office to facilitate the process of obtaining their visa. Once the down payment has been received, the School will help International students with their visa procedures and search for accommodation.

    Additional information for funded applicants

    Funded applicants are asked to gather the necessary information as soon as possible so that the administrative documents can be drawn up in good time.

  • Well-being and Inclusion

    Inclusion of students with disabilities

    For several years now, EM Normandie has been committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities and has been striving to make it as easy as possible for them to learn, to continue their studies, to live socially within the school and to find employment. Specific training for its teachers and support services, school facilities, digital accessibility, etc. EM Normandie promotes values of equal opportunities and respect for differences, through the sharing of an inclusive culture and the continuous development of its practices. Are you disabled or have a chronic disabling illness? We can provide you with comprehensive support, whether it be in the context of your classes/exams, your search for internships, work-study programmes or jobs, or even in preparing for your expatriation.

Career opportunities

    Insertion Survey 2024

    Professional integration survey conducted on behalf of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) by EM Normandie and the EM Normandie Alumni Association between February and March 2024. The response rate for 2023 graduates of the Bachelor Programme is 51%. The progression rates mentioned refer to the 2023 integration survey.

  • Insertion rate

    • 89%

      net employment rate

    • 68%

      of working graduates found a job before graduating

    • 100%

      are satisfied with their 1st job

    • 33%

      of graduates hold an international position

    • 96%

      Insertion rate in targeted jobs

  • Company sizes

    • 16%

      Large companies
      > 5,000 employees

    • 32%

      Mid-cap companies
      250 to 5,000 employees

    • 40%

      Small and medium sized companies
      10 à 249 employees

    • 12%

      < 10 employees

  • Positions held

    • 28%
      Trade, Business Development
    • 20%
      Audit, Consulting
    • 12%
      Finance, Management, Accounting
    • 12%
      Logistics, Supply Chain, Purchasing
    • 12%
      Marketing, Communication
    • 8%
      General Management
    • 4%
      Human Resources
    • 4%
      Other positions
  • Career opportunities

    The Bachelor's degree is a short and professional course, well adapted to the needs of companies, guaranteeing rapid integration into working life or further study towards a Master's degree.

    The EM Normandie Master in Management:

    • Spend more than 2 years abroad
    • Follow your course 100% in English, on our campuses
    • Obtain a double degree in a partner university, in France or abroad
    • Spend 2 years on a work-study contract (under specific conditions)

    Choose from more than 40 possibilities of tailor-made courses: specialisations, double degrees, work-study, optional year, etc.

    Find out more about the Master in Management

    The EM Normandie Two-year MSc Track:

    Master the challenges of globalisation, digital transformation and sustainable development and provide effective support to organisations on these issues.  

    • Follow your course 100% in English, on our campuses.
    • In the 1st year, consolidate and refine your management knowledge.
    • In the 2nd year, access the MSc® programme in the specialisation of your choice.

    Find out more about the Two-year MSc Track

Tuition fees and funding

    Application fees for 2025-2026

    For non-French diploma holders: €50

    Tuition Fees for 2025-2026

    • BMI Year 3: €9,200

    Compulsory Contribution: CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus): €103 to be paid on the CVEC platform. Learn more

    Membership fee for EM Normandie Alumni Association (not mandatory): €575 . This membership fee gives you access to all services and a life membership.

  • Fundings

    Various options are offered to students to fund their studies:

  • International payment methods

    We are a partner of the Flywire platform

    This online tool facilitates the procedures of international students by offering the following services:

    • Online tracking of transfers
    • Payment in the national currency, which reduces costs
    • Choice of many payment methods

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