Chaire d'excellence européenne sur l'Économie circulaire et Territoires

European Chair of Excellence

Circular Economy and Territories

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    Best Dissertation Award in Circular Economy 

    Prize for best master's dissertation

    In line with its mission to promote circular economy initiatives in Europe, the European Chair of Excellence on Circular Economy invites final-year Master's students to submit their Dissertation/Thesis for consideration. The award will be judged by a panel of academics and professionals to recognize the best work in Human and Social Sciences. Submissions are open to research, professional, and undifferentiated courses.

    The prize will be awarded to the student who has demonstrated a deep understanding of their subject matter, and the ability to present their findings in a clear and concise manner.


    The recipient of the award will receive a grant of 500 euros.
    Key findings of the Dissertation/Thesis will be published across the Chair's networks.

    Application deadline

    All applications must be submitted by May 1, 2024.

    Application requirements

    The application file must include:

    • Presentation of your Dissertation/Thesis (500 words max.)
    • Concise analysis note (500 words max.)
    • Digital version of the Dissertation/Thesis


    • Before submitting your application, please review the rules 
    • Send your 3 documents in PDF format to

Ressources et publications


    Labellisé en 2010, TEAM2 est le pôle de compétitivité national, dédié à l’économie circulaire.



    Référent de l’écologie industrielle et territoriale dans le bassin Dunkerquois, intermédiaire et facilitateur de synergies inter-entreprises.

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    Sébastien Bourdin

    Professeur de géographie économique | Titulaire de la Chaire

    Nicolas JACQUET

    Nicolas Jacquet

    Assistant de recherche