Lutte contre les VSS


Combating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), harassment and discrimination

It is the responsibility of an educational institution to protect its entire community, ensure equality between women and men, and train managers to be responsible for their actions.

In 2020, the Wellness Department, which has already been very involved for two years in dealing with reports of SGBV, harassment, or discrimination, is acquiring substantial resources and setting up a dedicated system: victims are taken care of and precautionary measures can be taken to protect them.

Solidarité et environnement

Awareness raising to prevent SGBV and harassment

A mixed cell of students and collaborators, advised by recognized and appreciated professionals, ensures missions of:

  • Prevention (training and information)
  • Protection of victims
  • Punishment of aggressors

Student "ambassadors" and members of associations are trained to identify and avoid risky behaviour on campus, in companies (internships and work-study programmes), on expatriation and at parties. EM Normandie has partnered with Safe Campus, Égalité à la Page and En Avant Toute(s) to provide training and to raise awareness among its student community.

Sanctions to ensure that no impunity is granted

EM Normandie has made a firm commitment not to hush up any case. If the victim wishes to initiate a procedure and after internal investigation, the facts are proven, a disciplinary council is immediately convened. In accordance with the internal regulations, sanctions can range from a warning to exclusion from the institution and are defined on a case-by-case basis.

EM Normandie undertakes to provide its students with useful legal advice, to accompany them if necessary when filing a complaint and to redirect them to specialised external associations.

The fight against sexual and gender-based violence is a constant battle that we have been waging for several years. Our mission is to train managers who are responsible and therefore accountable for their actions. Prevention, awareness-raising, listening and sanctioning are at the heart of the system for all our students and employees. All concerned, all trained and informed. We are uncompromising about abuses and encourage all stakeholders to change their behaviour.

Élian Pilvin
Dean of EM Normandie

Tools and resources available to students

EM Normandie's STOP HARASSMENT platform, available online 24/7, allows students who are victims or witnesses of harassment, discrimination, sexist or sexual violence (sexist insult, sexual assault, rape, etc.) or hazing to report these abuses. EM Normandie undertakes to respond to these reports within 48 working hours.

A chatbot called "Lilabot" is available to students on this platform. It is proposed by the association Elle Caetera, which aims to facilitate the support of young women who have suffered sexist and/or sexual violence.

On the campuses, the "Violentometer", a prevention tool against violence against young women, is available in the display areas.

A school committed to the fight against discrimination and harassment

EM Normandie is a signatory of the 2020-2024 regional convention for equality between girls and boys in the Normandy education system and an active member and pilot of the Diversity Commission of the CGE (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles), as well as the Health and Prevention group of CHEERS.

It is also a partner of the Wi-Filles scheme of the Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion Normandie (FACE).

In addition, the entire EM Normandie community is committed by signing the "6 EMian commitments against discrimination and sexist and sexual violence" charter. "EM Engaged" awareness-raising workshops are also offered to students at the beginning of the academic year.


Wellness Department
