professionnalisation à l'EM Normandie


Funding your studies at EM Normandie business school

  • Grants

    Erasmus Grant

    These grants cover travelling and living expenses incurred by students who take a period of study in a European country that is a member of the Socrates programme. The amount varies according to the destination and duration of stay.

    Foundation Grants

    The Eiffel Foundation is a tool developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development to enable higher education institutions in France to attract the best foreign students to degree programmes at Master’s and doctoral levels. 

    The Fondation de France helps students exiting ‘Classes Préparatoires’ who are experiencing financial difficulties to pursue higher education despite these difficulties.

    Grants listed by Campus France

    To learn more about specific grants that may be available for international students, please visit the Campus bourses catalog online. You can browse based on your nationality and on your study level.

  • Bank Loans

    Unsecured Loans with BPIFRANCE (formerly OSEO)

    This loan is reserved for students who cannot provide a loan guarantee. The French state will then step in, via Bpifrance.

    The application should be made to partner banks, and is limited to a total amount of €15,000 per student. This loan is open to all students who are aged under 28 and are French or EU citizens, whether or not they are the recipient of a social grant, with no requirement for a personal guarantee or a minimum personal income.

    Bank loan

    One solution would be to take up a bank loan : international students, do not miss the opportunity to get information from your local bank. 

    For loans from French banks, the applicant should already be in France. 

    Offers by partner banks:

    • BNP
    • Crédit Agricole
    • Société Générale
  • Other schemes

    Student Jobs

    A Temporary Employment Service is available at the Maison de l'Etudiant (Caen and Le Havre) or at the CROUS on Contact their services for more information.  

    The School’s Student Societies offer students temporary jobs to help them finance additional costs that are sometimes somewhat hefty. Contact the Student Societies concerned: Jobs Services (Caen, Le Havre and Paris) and Normandie Junior Conseil (Caen, Le Havre and Paris).

    Cooperative track

    Depending on the programme, it may be on an Apprenticeship Contract and/or Professional Integration Contract. Funding varies depending on the specific contract. Non EU international students can start a cooperative track after a year spent in France, and they should get their contract approved by the DIRECCTE.

    Apprenticeship Contract

    The student must be under 26 and commits to a two-year employment contract with a business.  The student will be an employee and will draw a salary (see table below). This is financed by the Apprenticeship Tax that the company undertakes to pay back to the School. In this case, the student benefits from a total waiver of all fees.

    Professionalisation Contract

    The student signs a short-term or permanent employment contract and enjoys the status of an employee. There is also a waiver of tuition fees which are paid by the firm. For any further information, contact the Companies and Careers Service.

To facilitate the integration of low-income students into business schools, financing solutions exist: from State scholarships to more alternative channels (crowdfunding), here is a brief overview of these mechanisms that facilitate social diversity within the Grandes Écoles.

Discover the solutions adapted to your situation


Discover all the financing solutions via our online tool

Equal opportunities

EM Normandie is committed to equality by facilitating access to the School and ensuring equal opportunities in education. It has special internal funding available and promotes its student social diversity projects.

Financial support is granted based on social, academic and personal criteria. The School offers three kinds of support, which are mainly funded by the EM Normandie Foundation. These are:

  • The “Academic” scholarship (bourse “Méritant scolaire”): this scholarship grants a reduction in annual tuition fees, and is for scholarship students (minimum level 1) who achieved an average of over 14/20 the previous year at EM Normandie.
  • The “Life’s uncertainties” grant (bourse “Aléas de la vie”): this grant, which reduces tuition fees, is for a student who has faced a difficult life event (death of a parent, job loss, illness, etc.) since starting at EM Normandie.
  • The “hardship” grant (l'“Aide d'urgence”) comes from the School's Hardship Fund, and provides immediate assistance to students facing serious financial difficulty.

EM Normandie fosters a truly inclusive culture and respect for differences through numerous awareness-raising campaigns that promote gender equality and respect for sexual orientation and combat any form of discrimination.