EM Normandie
A School for Good embodied by the DISE
In response to the cries of alarm from students and young graduates about the social and environmental challenges facing society, EM Normandie has realised the urgent need to train the people who will shape the world of tomorrow. The School has therefore decided to create the Social and Environmental Impact Direction (DISE) in September 2021.
Guided by the 'School for Good' philosophy, this management team has rallied around a common project and defined an ambitious commitment strategy: to have a positive societal and environmental impact by 2030.
To implement this strategy, an action plan has been drawn up, based on three pillars:
- Campus for Good
- Knowledge for Good
- People for Good
Campus for Good
This pillar measures the footprint produced by the School as a place to live and implements corrective actions. It moves the campuses towards more frugal models that contribute to local development.
The School is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions at each site and to taking action in its local areas by supporting its stakeholders in their own transformation.
Knowledge for Good
This pillar integrates notions of sustainability into the minds of the School's students and public, through the academic programmes. Sustainable development issues will be at the heart of all the disciplines taught.
For example, 20% of courses will be dedicated to CSR / RSO themes, a measure in line with the 'ClimatSup Business' report presented in October by the NGO The Shift Project, to which EM Normandie contributed.
A compulsory Sustainability course will be introduced in September 2023. And from this year onwards, last-year Master in Management students will take the Sulitest, the first international certificate assessing knowledge of sustainable development. EM Normandie has made a financial commitment as part of the Sulitest organisation's first investment campaign.
People for Good
This pillar concerns the School's ability to mobilise all of its stakeholders on societal issues and to attract a variety of profiles to its teams and classrooms.
The societal and environmental passport will be launched in 2023. It will make it possible to assess all the individual skills and knowledge acquired by students and employees in terms of CSR / CSR and to measure the level of commitment and carbon footprint of each individual.
To complete this transformation, which relies above all on committed men and women, the School for Good Assembly was created. This participative governance body, made up of elected students and staff, will be responsible for participating in decisions relating to the School's day-to-day activities, based on the principles of representative democracy, and for ensuring that all these commitments are implemented.
By drawing on its history, the strength of the collective and by proposing innovative solutions, the School is profoundly transforming its model and is committed to the emergence of an active generation. The School for Life and For Good philosophy will then also be For All.
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