Master of Science (MSc) International Events Management
After a 3 or 4-year Degree


To conduct change while being socially and environmentally responsible and sustainable, organisations are increasingly using social innovation methods which incorporate their various communities and stakeholders. These strategic methodologies can be activated by designing and delivering participatory experiences likely to engage people and foster collective intelligence. Be they live or digital, community stewardship and purpose-driven meetings and events might be powerful instruments for building and developing enhanced relationships with stakeholders. They also contribute to strengthening organisations’ capabilities to cooperate and co-innovate with them, and ultimately to secure their acceptability by civil societies.
5th in Eduniversal's national ranking
- Strengths and Advantages
- Programme
- Admission
- Career
- Tuition fees and funding
Programme highlights
- 100% English-taught programme
- Multicultural team of lecturers with internationally recognised academic or professional backgrounds in collective intelligence & innovation, community engagement & management, and experience, meeting and event design & management
- Case studies or consulting projects
- Additional, cross-cutting courses supporting your future professional capabilities
- This programme being highly specialised, applicants are recommended to consider it as their first choice.
- Students selected are expected to comply with the behaviour and dress codes applicable to the business world.
This programme is aimed at training future experts in new methodologies based on relationships, creative experiences and meeting & event designs. These can be used by socially responsible organisations to engage their stakeholders, and cooperate and innovate with them. The programme features multicultural classes and internationally-focused content hinged upon a combination of CSR approaches, collective intelligence methods and complex event project management. Students are expected to act as professionals in the making: insightful, proactive and trailblazing.
Laura Litre VALENTIN
Academic Director
Assistant Professor in Management
Specific requirements and advice
- Meeting Strategies for Social Transformation
- Learning expeditions
- Design Thinking (user approach)
- Local Innovative Ecosystems (territorial approach)
- Corporate Creativity Leadership (organisational approach)
- Digital Social Experience (community management)
- Live Social Experience (event experience)
- Innovative Social Experience (meeting-driven innovation)
- Event Management as a Complex Project
- Event Sustainability and Risk Management
- Advanced Proficiency in Event Management
- Experience & Event Performance
- Digitalisation and Corporate Finance
- Cases in Ethical and Sustainable Development
- Change Management and Organisational Transformation
- Business Models and Performance
- Critical Issues in Management
- Leading in Multicultural Environments
- Digital Disruption and Industry 4.0
Evaluation criteria for the course
All components of the student's education are evaluated: academic learnings, internships, missions, challenges, dissertations, study stays in partner universities. For academic learnings, continuous assessment generally accounts for 40% and the final exam accounts for the remaining 60%. Evaluations may also take the form of case studies, role-playing, group work, etc. Professionalisation (work-study, internships, missions, challenges) and, where appropriate, the corresponding report, will be evaluated jointly by the teaching team and the company.
The programme provides a 360° view of Experience, Meeting and Event design and management.
Social transformation
Stakeholder engagement
Community experience
Event management
Professional development
Career preparation
Career Path (coaching)
Intellectual ability
Case studies, consulting projects, learning expeditions
Company internship in France or abroad
New contexts (3 out of 7 electives)
French as a Foreign Language
- Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un diplôme de quatre ans dans l'enseignement supérieur (licence en quatre ans, BBA, master, 1 an ou équivalent ou équivalent). D'autres profils peuvent être acceptés en dérogation à ces critères.
- Ce programme est également disponible sur deux ans pour les candidats titulaires d'un diplôme de trois ans de l'enseignement supérieur (licence en trois ans, BMI, licence, ou équivalent). Frais de scolarité sur demande.
- Sélection sur la base de l'examen du dossier de candidature : sérieux du dossier, qualité du profil sur un plan académique et/ou professionnel.
- Entretien à distance avec un responsable académique : pour mieux connaître le candidat, ses projets et ses objectifs. La décision d'admission (admis, refusé) est prononcée quelques jours après l'entretien de motivation.
- Le candidat admis reçoit un mail formel l’invitant au versement des arrhes (déductible des frais de scolarité), qui permet de réserver sa place dans le programme et déclenche l’édition d’une lettre d’acceptation définitive.
- votre CV (en anglais),
- votre dernier diplôme obtenu,
- vos relevés de notes des années passées ainsi que votre attestation de scolarité pour l'année en cours,
- votre lettre de motivation (en anglais),
- une copie de votre pièce d'identité (recto et verso) ou de votre passeport,
- parcours anglophone : un justificatif de votre niveau d'anglais (TOEIC, TOEFL,IELTS)..
Well-being and Inclusion
Inclusion of students with disabilities
For several years now, EM Normandie has been committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities and has been striving to make it as easy as possible for them to learn, to continue their studies, to live socially within the school and to find employment. Specific training for its teachers and support services, school facilities, digital accessibility, etc. EM Normandie promotes values of equal opportunities and respect for differences, through the sharing of an inclusive culture and the continuous development of its practices. Are you disabled or have a chronic disabling illness? We can provide you with comprehensive support, whether it be in the context of your classes/exams, your search for internships, work-study programmes or jobs, or even in preparing for your expatriation.
Admission mode
Selection based on application file and individual motivation interview.
User's guide for application form
Conditions d’admission
Aucun score au test de langue anglaise n'est requis pour les étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme anglophone. Pour les candidats non-natifs, les exigences linguistiques sont : IELTS 6, TOEIC 790, TOEFL IBT 83 ou preuve que l'anglais a été la langue d'étude ou de travail du candidat pendant au moins un an.
Étapes d'admission
Pièces justificatives obligatoires à la constitution du dossier :
Informations complémentaires pour les candidats financés
Les candidats à un financement sont priés de récolter les informations nécessaires le plus tôt possible afin de permettre l’établissement des documents administratifs dans les temps impartis.
- content / public relations / community strategy
- partnership / marketing / communications / strategic planning
- meeting and event design & planning
- collective intelligence methods in CSR / innovation agencies or departments
- 90% net employment rate
- 25% work internationally
- 92% of graduates in employment found a job within 4 months
- 90% satisfied with their first job
- Average gross annual salary including bonuses in similar roles : €41.600
General information regarding the employment market
Over the past decade, the events sector has seen an increased demand for business, scientific, corporate, sporting, cultural and political events. At the same time, and in the face of major new challenges, the sector has had to and must continue to rapidly transform itself to play a central role in the economies of experience, knowledge and sustainability. The events professions are now looking for talent with a high degree of rigour and creativity in terms of strategic thinking, design and operational management.
Example of positions
This programme opens up a range of employment opportunities in various business, associative or locally-based activities:
After your training in marketing, move on to positions such as: Project managers or junior consultants in corporate departments, consulting firms, associations or local agencies, practicing the above-mentioned activities.
Professional insertion of graduates
Statistics based on the professional integration survey of 2023 for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 graduates.
Examples of companies where our graduates work:
Reed MIDEM, Infopro Digital, Novartis Pharma France, Mouvement Impact France, Universal Music Group, Havas, Hopscotch, Publicis, Viparis, Disney Business Solutions, Accor Arena, Paris 2024 Olympics.
Tuition fees and funding
- MSc International Events Management: €15,500
Tuition fees include the membership fee for EM Normandie Alumni Association, which gives you access to all services and a life membership. - €50 charged to candidates in order to study their profile
- The contribution to CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus), amounting to €103, by connecting to the dedicated plaftorm.
Various options are offered to students to fund their studies:
- Grants: Campus France
- Country of origin scholarships for international students
- Paid student jobs offered by the School’s Junior Enterprise and Jobs Services
International payment methods
We are a partner of the Flywire platform
This online tool facilitates the procedures of international students by offering the following services:
- Online tracking of transfers
- Payment in the national currency, which reduces costs
- Choice of many payment methods
Tuition Fees for 2025-2026
Fees for students enrolling for the first time in 2025.
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