26 March 2024
EM Normandie awarded the SD&CSR Label
The Label Committee* has just awarded the SD&CSR Label for Higher Education to EM Normandie Business School, for 2 years. This standard underlines the commitment of the Business School and all its stakeholders in terms of environmental and societal impact.
Since 2015, the labelling scheme, known as the SD&CSR Label - Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility - for higher education, covers the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined at international level and is structured into five areas, derived from the SD&CSR Reference Framework, covering all areas of sustainable development:
- Strategy and governance,
- Education and training programme,
- Research and innovation,
- Environmental policy,
- Social policy.
It provides national and international recognition for the sustainable development and corporate social responsibility initiatives of French higher education and research establishments. It also enables institutions to develop their skills as part of a group of committed institutions through their participation in the labelling committee and in audits of candidate institutions.

Recent years have been marked by profound changes in society. The younger generation has expressed the wish for a more equitable, just and reasonable world. EM Normandie Business School, heir to the social values of its founder Jules Siegfried in 1871, has therefore deeply considered the impact of a Grande École on its environment and, in 2021, launched a review of its strategic plan. The new 'School for Good' model mobilises the entire organisation around a common project: to have a positive societal and environmental impact by 2030 and to involve all stakeholders, employees, students, institutions and partners in this change.
With this in mind, in 2021 the school created the Social and Environmental Impact Direction (DISE). This department steer actions aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of its campuses and making them more sustainable places to live, more respectful of environmental and social standards (Campus for Good), producing and disseminating knowledge to bring about change (Knowledge for Good) and mobilising all its publics in favour of the transition (People for Good).
As part of this strategy, DISE has decided to embark on the SD&CSR labelling process in order to list and promote individual and collective initiatives, identify new ones and continue and intensify this momentum. This SD&CSR label enables the establishments that hold the label to move forward together, using a common methodology and set of guidelines that involve the entire organisation in these vital issues.
The SD&CSR labelling committee particularly emphasised the relevance of EM Normandie Business School's 'School for Good' strategy, its actions in terms of research and innovation, and the quality of its social policy towards employees and students.
We are very proud to be part of the group of establishments holding the SD&CSR Label. Obtaining this standard from our first application proves that our commitment to these issues and our actions have meaning and impact. This confirms our 'School for Good' philosophy and our ambition to have a positive impact on society and the environment by 2030. We must continue to make progress and encourage and unite everyone's commitment to these values.
Explains Solène Heurtebis, Director of DISE
Find out more about the SD&CSR Certification labels
*The labelling committee is made up of a group of peers (auditors from the labelled institutions), ministry(ies) supporting the SD&CSR label, conferences of higher education institutions and student organisation(s) associated with the SD&CSR label, the operator of the SD&CSR label and the SD&CSR label Project Coordinator. The latter acts as an intermediary for the institutions. Only peers with auditor status and institutional representatives have the right to vote. The committee has two co-chairmen elected from among the peers with auditor status.
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