What services are offered to members of the Alumni Association?
The Association offers an "Alumni experience" to each member from the moment they join the School and throughout their career - through a range of services adapted to each stage of their professional life. Its "lifetime membership" formula and its membership from the first year of study make the particularity and strength of the Alumni EM Normandie network.
Each member of the Association - whether a student - a recent graduate - an entrepreneur or an expert - has access to the many festive events and webinars organised each year. They also have the opportunity to join thematic clubs by business sector or by profession - such as the "Club Entrepreneurs" - which supports graduates in the creation or takeover of a company.
The Association also offers graduates a new digital skills assessment service hosted on the Akeen platform and based on feedback from the network. This tool enables graduates to take stock of their professional career: (re)finding meaning in their work - changing jobs or work environments - or considering a change of career into entrepreneurship or a different sector of activity.
Coaching sessions are offered both to students as part of the "Parcours Carrière" (Career Path) and to Alumni once they have entered professional life. They are provided by certified professional coaches.
The directory of the School's learners and graduates makes it easy to get in touch with other members all over the world - to exchange experiences (expatriations - internships - associations...) - to recruit or to be recruited for a job... Because sharing and mutual aid are strong values within the EM Normandie community.
To facilitate the professional integration of students during their studies and of working professionals - a job board distributes more than 70.000 internship - work-study and job offers to its members each year - including 5.000 exclusive offers.
A mentoring programme a buddy system between a graduate and a final year student - aims to promote their professional integration. This sharing of experience and advice between the student and the graduate takes place over a period of 6 months.
What are the specificities of the pathways for each audience?
The Student Path
In addition to all the services listed above students are invited to take part in the many recruitment events organised each year: job workshops - Job Meetup - forums - short internships - work-study Job Dating - preparation sessions for Job Datings - career webinars - etc. The opportunity to develop one's network and to succeed in professional integration during and after one's training. As part of the Parcours Carrière they are supported throughout their course in the construction and validation of their professional project.
The Alumni Path
The "Alumni Future Path" and the "Parcours Carrière" join forces to support young graduates in their job search. The services provided by the Career Path throughout their studies remain available to graduates for a period of 2 years after graduation.
Tutorials and resources are made available to graduates to help them in their search. Coaching sessions are also offered with a certified coach. The Jobteaser (France) and International Highered Talent (international) platforms allow them to access the network's job offers and provide them with valuable advice on their applications and participation in job dating.
The Entrepreneur Path
By joining the Club Entrepreneurs created in 2016 entrepreneurs can come and share their experience with students and graduates of the network around thematic events: meetings - breakfasts - dinners...
They also have the opportunity to support young entrepreneurs in their business creation within the EM Normandie Incubator. Experienced entrepreneurs give their valuable advice and expertise to young entrepreneurs.
They also contribute to the visibility of those who embark on the entrepreneurial adventure - mobilise the School's community and support these young entrepreneurs in their development.
The Expert Path
Professionals who have been working for a few years have the possibility of resuming their studies within the framework of executive education - short or long professional training programmes aimed at acquiring additional skills or reinforcing them in a specific field: marketing - sales - project management - community management - etc. They also come for management training as part of their professional development.
The Alumni Association has established a partnership with Avizio - an HR recruitment management solution for companies looking for talent who wish to delegate this process. Unlike "traditional" recruitment agencies - Avizio recruits on a referral basis and undertakes a process in which the candidate's expectations are the starting point for contact with companies.
The Mherit service - exclusive to the expert route - allows them to benefit from one hour of personalised support. Its mission is to reveal the potential of experienced talents by reinventing the relationship between talents and committed organisations.
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