Onboarding Project Manager on work-study at Ornikar
<p><strong>Can you introduce yourself and explain your background?</strong></p>
<p>Hello everyone, my name is Romane, I'm 24 years old and I'm currently in M2 Marketing Strategy and Business Development at EM Normandie, in a work-study programme at <a href="http://www.ornikar.com/">Ornikar, an online auto school</a>.</p>
<p>I joined the EM Normandie Caen campus right after graduating from high school. Then, I had the chance to pursue my studies abroad by going to <strong>Finland </strong>in my second year, then to the <strong>Oxford campus</strong>, and finally to <strong>Vietnam</strong>, before choosing my <strong>Master's speciality</strong> which I decided to follow as a work-study programme.</p>
<p><strong>Why did you choose EM Normandie Business School?</strong></p>
<p>I chose EM Normandie for its <strong>many opportunities to go abroad</strong>, but also for the <strong>incredible atmosphere</strong> I felt during my admission orals. When I arrived in the Master's programme, I started to be interested in the work-study programme.</p>
<p><strong>Why a work-study programme?</strong></p>
<p>After an optional year during which I had <strong>two 6-month work experience</strong>s, I wanted to continue to evolve in the professional world, which is why I wanted to spent the final year on a work-study programme.</p>
<p><strong>What are your tasks at Ornikar?</strong></p>
<p>At Ornikar, I hold the position of "Onboarding Project Manager", which means that I am in charge of the administrative support of our partners, i.e. the driving teachers. I therefore have operational tasks such as the administrative follow-up of my portfolio of teachers, but also cross-functional tasks, such as the continuous improvement of our processes, the search for and implementation of new B2B partnerships...</p>
<p><strong>How does your training at the school help you in your assignments in companies?</strong></p>
<p>In my Master, we have <strong>classes one week a month</strong>, and we spend <strong>the rest of the time in our company</strong>. Our theoretical classes can therefore be directly applied in the business world. Indeed, I chose a job at Ornikar that is related to my Master's degree.</p>
<p>At school, I had classes on both the commercial and marketing aspects, which allowed me to develop my skills and apply them to my daily work at Ornikar. The reverse is also true, I was able to develop some of my skills at Ornikar which I used in my classes this year. For me, <strong>the work-study programme is a real complement to my initial training</strong>!</p>
<p><strong>What can we wish you for the future?</strong></p>
<p>To find a job that I like at the end of my work-study contract and to start my professional career more fulfilled than ever!</p>
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