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Benjamin Rey
Benjamin Rey

Buyer for Safran Nacelles

My time at EM Normandie Business School: a formative experience

I had a wonderful time at EM Normandie Business School, which not only forged my professional spirit but also gave me invaluable human skills, thanks in particular to my work-study track years. In fact, I was lucky enough to complete a two-year work-study track, an experience that taught me a lot.

The work-study track framework changes completely: you stay in close contact with your fellow students, but you quickly move into the business world, which means you can experience the working environment directly.

Work-study track at Valeo: a springboard to the international arena

My first major work-study track was at Valeo, a world-renowned automotive supplier. For two years, I had the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment , to acquire essential skills and to understand the workings of the buyer's profession. These two years set the foundations for my career, and I was lucky enough to continue this adventure after my studies, with a Volontariat International en Entreprise (VIE) assignment that took me to Hungary for two years.

This position abroad was a real boost for me, enabling me to broaden my horizons and rapidly develop my skills in an international context.

Being immersed in a foreign country taught me to adapt to new cultures and new environments, and gave me a wealth of experience that I would probably never have gained in a more traditional environment.

The buyer's job: responsibilities right from the apprenticeship stage

As a productivity buyer at Valeo, I discovered a very broad and complicated job. I first spent a year as an apprentice, working with an experienced buyer to learn the nuts and bolts of the job . After that, I worked as a project buyer, in particular on the development of projects such as drive-by switches for Renault. This experience taught me a lot about the automotive industry and opened doors for me in the future.

The importance of support and autonomy

Throughout my time at Valeo, I was guided by a very supportive and caring management team. Mélanie Segon, my manager at the time, taught me a lot and supported me even when I decided to go on a VIE to Hungary. That support was fundamental, as I was able to gain more self-confidence and take on more responsibility, while quickly developing my autonomy.

In the purchasing profession, you might think that the technical aspect is paramount. Of course, you need to know the parts and understand the purchasing process, but curiosity and the ability to ask the right questions are essential qualities for success.

This curiosity quickly enabled me to adapt to the technical requirements of purchasing, learn to know the products in depth and become more comfortable in my decision-making.

Curiosity and negotiation: the keys to being a buyer

In the purchasing profession, curiosity is a strength . From a very young age, I've always been interested in new things, and that interest grew as I specialised in the automotive sector. I've always been fascinated by car components, perhaps because my father worked in the sector for many years. This ‘natural’ curiosity led me to take an interest in the technical aspects of my job, both in identifying components and in the way they are produced.

At the same time, I developed a real passion for negotiation.

You might think that negotiation is all about intuition, but in reality it's a field that requires a great deal of preparation and detailed analysis.

Each negotiation is unique and involves very specific strategic levers. This diversity of tasks and skills is what makes being a buyer so exciting and rewarding.

International Corporate Volunteering: a rewarding experience

Volontariat International en Entreprise (VIE) is a unique experience that I recommend to all young professionals. It's an assignment paid for by the government via Business France, which allows you to work abroad for a maximum of two years.

During my two years in Hungary, I learnt an enormous amount, both professionally and personally. Living abroad, in a country where I knew neither the language nor the cultural codes, pushed me out of my comfort zone and enabled me to develop a great capacity for adaptation.

I strongly encourage all young graduates to seize this opportunity, as it not only enables them to develop their skills very quickly, but also to develop an open mind that is highly valuable in an increasingly globalised business world.

A new challenge at Safran Nacelle: reinventing myself in aerospace

After my experience at Valeo, I joined Safran Nacelle, where I've been working for a year and a half. The transition from the automotive to the aerospace sector was a major challenge. The two sectors are very different, particularly in terms of deadlines and requirements. In the automotive industry, a crisis can be resolved in a matter of days, whereas in the aerospace industry, it can often take several months. This change has forced me to review my working methods, to learn to manage situations more patiently and to adapt to a different rhythm. Safran Nacelle is a company where technical skills are key, and although I'm still in the learning phase, I'm delighted to see that every day brings me new knowledge and skills.

Work-study tracks and the VIE, essential springboards for a successful career

I'm a fervent advocate of the work-study track and the VIE. These two experiences enabled me to develop my skills much more quickly than if I had followed a traditional course. I would advise all apprentices to opt for the work-study track and the VIE, as they will open up a whole world of opportunities for you.

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