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darlin gaitan
Darlin Gaitan

IMO course "Women in port management" - Port State Control Officer Grad III

 My job involves...

My main task as a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) is to inspect foreign ships arriving in port to ensure their compliance with standards set out in IMO and ILO conventions. I also inspect local vessels prior to certification, conduct law enforcement patrols and assist in marine casualty investigations.

My professional aspiration is to become a qualified marine surveyor specialising in environment and safety requirements.

Why maritime?

I got involved in the maritime sector because of my love for the sea and the natural environment. As a PSCO I can promote and ensure the protection of the marine environment through the various conventions and national regulations. What attracted me to maritime is the diversity of opportunities.

How IMO has helped...

I attended the 14th Women in Port Management Course sponsored by the IMO in Le Havre, France. This course provided an opportunity for women in the sector to be better equipped with port management and regulatory tools which can be used in our respective developing countries. I was able to network with women of similar backgrounds, interests and challenges.

Professional aspiration

My professional aspiration is to become a qualified marine surveyor with specialisation in environmental and safety requirements.

Top Tip

The most important piece of advice I would give to a woman looking to enter the maritime world is: to invest in maritime education and training, be passionate about your career goals and, where necessary, speak out against gender biases - and the opportunities will follow.


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