Founder of Home Season
My name is Clément Marin, I am in my third year at EM Normandie on the Oxford campus, and I have been incubated at EM Normandie's InsIDE since October 2016. I aim to launch my HomeSeason website in March 2018.
What is HomeSeason?
In the summer of 2016, I worked as a seasonal worker and I realised that finding accommodation was not that easy. During the holiday period and with a limited budget, it was very difficult to find even a place with a bed and a bathroom. After a long search, I found a residence that offered small rooms, but only 3/10 were occupied. This is how I came up with my project idea: a platform that offers accommodation to students on work placements, work-study or seasonal workers, at affordable prices for a period of 1 to 6 months.
Have you had any difficult moments since you started developing the platform?
In one year, I have of course had my ups and downs. Sometimes I've felt like stopping everything. For example, the search for a developer was very complicated. But I never gave up! The project is becoming more and more concrete, the launch is coming soon. It's all I can think about now! I am 200% involved.
Can you tell us about your choice to launch a crowdfunding campaign?
First of all, you have to set up your page on the crowdfunding platform: present the project, the objectives, the needs and define the counterparts. I was inspired by the successful campaigns on KissKissBankBank.
Then comes the moment of the campaign: a month of stress! This period allows us to really test the project with the public. Personally, I would update the page every hour to see the progress! Launching a crowdfunding campaign is very interesting. It all depends on an effective communication plan via social networks. Knowing how to create and mobilise your community is the key!
At the end of the campaign, I raised €5140. I was very proud.
When will this project be launched?
The launch of the website is planned for March 2018! The housing offers put online will cover the region of La Baule, St Nazaire and Nantes, before extending to neighbouring regions.
What does InsIDE offer in concrete terms?
InsIDE offers personalised coaching according to the needs identified. It's an incredible source of motivation, the team pushes us to excel!
Personally, I have benefited from one coaching session per week. As I am in my third year, I still lack many notions about setting up a business. The coaching is therefore essential and instructive.
What advice could you give to students who would like to start a business?
"Don't hesitate for a second! InsIDE is there for you. You have nothing to lose, even if your project does not succeed, you will still have gained experience."
HomeSeason is on social networks:
Facebook: @homeseason.fr
Twitter: @homeseason_fr
Instagram: homeseason
Website: https://homeseason.fr/
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