26 March 2024
Launch of the book “Corporate Governance in the Knowledge Economy” by Paul David Richard Griffiths, teacher-researcher at EM Normandie
Research and Faculty
Paul David Richard Griffiths is Professor of Finance and Academic Director of the M2/MSc Banking, Finance & Fintech taught on the Oxford campus of EM Normandie. His book “Corporate Governance in the Knowledge Economy – Lessons from Case studies in the Finance Sector” published by Palgrave Macmillan, addresses the new challenges of business management.
The new challenges of business management
Over the last few decades, we have transitioned completely from the industrial economy to the knowledge economy. Over 87 percent of the Standard and Poor 500 companies’ assets are intangibles such as intellectual capital. This transition to the knowledge economy results in new challenges of business management. This book probes two aspects of this sector undergoing revolution.
First, Paul Griffiths is interested in the development of new technologies, the proliferation of social media and the resulting deviances such as Big Data and cyber threats and everything that has culturally shaped the identity of Generation Y, which is now integrating into the world of work. It then explores the relationship between management and staff members within multinationals by questioning the creation of an ethical corporate culture, adapted to its objectives and its functioning. It provides clear guidelines on how to implement management.
The illustration of contemporary issues through concrete cases makes this book a valuable and unique tool for researchers, students and professionals specializing in finance and business management.
On 6 September 2022, Paul Griffiths will present his new book at the Frontline Club in London.
Paul David Richard Griffiths' biography
Paul David Richard Griffiths is Professor of Finance and Academic Director of the M2/ MSc Banking, Finance & Fintech at EM Normandie. He holds a DBA in Business Administration from Henley Management College / Brunel University obtained in 2005. His thesis focused on the alignment of strategy and IT in banks. Prior to his university career, Paul spent twenty years in senior management in global management consulting firms, particularly in the financial services industry. He specializes in the management of intangible assets such as intellectual capital, artificial intelligence and Fintech. A renowned speaker, Paul David Richard Griffiths is also the author of numerous professional and academic publications.
Useful information
"Corporate Governance in the Knowledge Economy – Lessons from Case Studies in the Finance Sector"
Collection Palgrave studies in accounting and finance practice – Palgrave Macmillan
Paper book: €74.99, eBook: €67.40
Available in bookstores or in eBook version.
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