17 October 2023
Business convention on low-carbon farms: how to change scale?
Research and Faculty
For the second year running, EM Normandie Business School is organising a day of discussion and reflection on a subject that is crucial to the future of agriculture, with its business convention on low-carbon farms, on Thursday 26 October 2023 from 9am to 6pm, on its Caen campus.
This event is being run by the Entrepreneurial Models in Agriculture chair, headed by Roland Condor, Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, and supported by Crédit Mutuel Normandie and Cerfrance Normandie, with the collaboration of the Association Régionale des Entreprises Agroalimentaires de Normandie (AREA). It will bring together experts and players from the sector to discuss low-carbon transitions in agriculture.
Morning (from 9am)
- Introduction by the event's partners, followed by a special lecture by Jean-Marie Séronie, a renowned agro-economist and member of the Académie d'Agriculture de France, who will share his expert view by opening the debate with the question "What low-carbon transitions for agriculture?"
- Round table: "Farmers: ready for the transition? How can we take the first steps, and how can we make the most of them?", which will feature testimonials from farmers, Danone representatives and experts, who will discuss the challenges of the low-carbon transition for the agricultural sector.
- Round table 2: "Feedback from low-carbon transition projects within the industry", which will explore the initiatives undertaken by players such as AREA, GRDF and many others to accelerate the transition to more sustainable agriculture.
Participants will then have the opportunity to take part in a brand new concept, the "Apéro Pitch", where project leaders looking for partners will present their ideas for decarbonisation projects.
Afternoon (from 2pm)
- Mini-conferences, networking and visits to stands run by companies specialising in decarbonising agriculture, offering participants a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and develop collaborations to shape the future of sustainable agriculture.
- At 4.30pm, site visits for those wishing to deepen their understanding of the challenges of low-carbon transition in agriculture: the Damigny Energy methanisation unit at Saint-Martin-des Entrées (14) and the flax and hemp cooperative at Villons-Les Buissons (14). Registration is open on the day of the event.
The event will be attended by around twenty companies, including GIEE Sol en Caux, GRDF, Opus Project, Engie, Solewa and Carbolocal, all of which have experience of low-carbon transitions to share.
Practical information
EM Normandie - Campus de Caen, 9 Rue Claude Bloch, 14 052 Caen
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