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The luxury brands industry has always attracted students. Rewarding jobs in prestigious companies. To work in this attractive sector, solid training is required. In 2024, certain domains such as haute-couture, hotels or jewellery have experienced a shortage of candidates. The exceptional reputation and skill associated with French luxury goods have led France to the very top of an increasingly competitive international market.
Accounting for 18% of global turnover, France is the world leader in the luxury brands sector. The French industry has an international presence thanks to 11 luxury brands ranked in the top 75 companies in the market. Its envied reputation is the result of the hard work and passion of the professionals working in the sector. The luxury brands industry recruits for a wide range of job roles carrying significant responsibilities. This is one of the reasons why it is important enter the field with some additional «business background».
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Après son BTS Management des Unités Commerciales, Estelle a intégré l'EM Normandie. Grâce à ses stages, elle a pu confirmer son attrait pour la mise en avant des produits en vitrine. Aujourd'hui elle développe les décors des vitrines du monde entier pour Cartier.
Diplômée de la promotion 2018, elle nous raconte comment elle a transformé sa passion du luxe et de la mode en métier.
Marion Henrio a rejoint l'EM Normandie par le concours Passerelle. La Team Accueil soudée & dynamique, année de césure très formatrice à Londres, alternance dans un grand groupe et implication forte au sein du BDE : découvrez son témoignage.
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After a 3 or 4-year Degree
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After a 3 or 4-year Degree
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After a 3 or 4-year Degree
on file Passerelle 1 exam Passerelle 2 exam
Anglais - Irelandais
After a 3-year non-French undergraduate degree