Amos, Master in Management student on expatriation to Oxford
In "My Expat' to ...", EM Normandie students look back on their expatriation to destinations as varied as Japan, Korea, Chile, Malaysia, Finland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, etc.
They share their experiences, daily life on campus, their new city, their encounters, their excursions. They also give you all the keys to prepare for your future expatriation.
In this interview, Laura, currently an expat on the Oxford campus, interviews Amos, a student of the Master In Management programme (Year 3) on the Oxford campus and president of the "Oxford Wolf" association.
Can you introduce yourself Amos?
Amos: I have been on the Oxford campus for three years. Like Marie, I am part of the first generation of U1 students in Oxford and I am the president of the Oxford Wolf association. Joining the Oxford campus as a first-year student is a very good way to start the curriculum at EM Normandie.
Doing your first year on the Oxford campus is a very good way to start your studies at EM Normandie.
How did you adapt to the local culture?
Amos: Culturally, I'm already embedded in the local culture because my father is British. The Oxford environment immerses you in British culture anyway.
For example, in the pubs in the pre-Covid period, you really feel this particular atmosphere. Gradually, you integrate this culture into your everyday life, including the supermarket where the staff is very smiley.
You quickly integrate British culture into your everyday life.
Can you give us examples of courses you liked?
Amos: I really enjoyed the statistics and sociology courses because the teachers are connected to the Oxford University School. They are really good courses, supported by the academic papers that also come from this School.
With the Oxford Wolf Association, how did you adapt to organise the events?
Amos: A good part of the association's team is in France. We managed to organise events where we filmed entrepreneurs and posted videos on the association's Instagram profile.
We are really lucky to have been able to go back to France to follow these interview projects. By the way, don't hesitate to subscribe if you are interested in the news of the association and the business world in general.
What do you remember about your three years at Oxford? Would you like to continue with a Master's degree?
Amos: I obviously want to stay at Oxford because I find the teachers really interesting and I like the choice of Masters courses on offer. What I remember from my experience at Oxford is that the campus is like a small family. We all know each other and all the generations mix together. The living environment is pleasant to work in. All this French population is finally mixed with the English.
Can you tell us about one of your best memories?
Amos: I love the living environment in Oxford. And I would like to point out that EM Normandie is the only business school in France that offers us a campus in this city. I would say to people who want to come here that we are lucky to have a campus in a university town like Oxford and it is really an opportunity to be seized. This campus is really worth it, the atmosphere is great and you'll be pleasantly surprised when you get to Oxford.
It is the only Business School in France that offers us a campus in Oxford.
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