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The luxury industry is booming! It is a sector that attracts young graduates. The reason being that luxury is undergoing a major transformation, giving rise to some fantastic opportunities. The industry may well be recruiting, but to get in there, you have to understand the codes. Do you need to have certain “essential” values to break into this challenging world? What are the main characteristics of the luxury sector? These are the questions we will try to answer in this white paper. We will also reveal the best degree courses in France for this subject.
“Trends come and go, but luxury is forever.” This quote is a perfect summary of what luxury is; a creative art that is passed on to perpetuate time. Some say that luxury goods give extra soul and a certain identity. When we ask new students at EM Normandie “What is luxury?” their answers usually refer to products. However, the world of luxury is much broader, and it is important that students understand this if they are going to work in the industry. Luxury is above all a relationship with time, creation and the customer. To have the privilege of working in luxury, you need a certain lucidity and vision.
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Après son BTS Management des Unités Commerciales, Estelle a intégré l'EM Normandie. Grâce à ses stages, elle a pu confirmer son attrait pour la mise en avant des produits en vitrine. Aujourd'hui elle développe les décors des vitrines du monde entier pour Cartier.
Diplômée de la promotion 2018, elle nous raconte comment elle a transformé sa passion du luxe et de la mode en métier.
Marion Henrio a rejoint l'EM Normandie par le concours Passerelle. La Team Accueil soudée & dynamique, année de césure très formatrice à Londres, alternance dans un grand groupe et implication forte au sein du BDE : découvrez son témoignage.