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The supply chain (or logistics) sector has experienced huge growth in 2022. More and more young people are choosing to go into careers directly or indirectly related to logistics. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything. The sector is playing a major role in globalisation and represents a strategic challenge for all companies. Freight transport infrastructure, services and processes are becoming increasingly important. Supply chain is also a commercial tool for global competition.
For a number of decades, France has boasted state-of-the-art technology logistics, bringing double-digit growth. Large French groups that specialise in the field include Géodis, FM Logistics and Stef. And then there are the foreign giants that are now well established in France, such as DHL, Kuehne&Nagel and many others… These companies provide around 2 million jobs in logistics in France. Approximately half of the roles are in freight transport, and half are in warehousing and handling. France is one of the European countries with the most logistics platforms.
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Après un DUT Techniques de commercialisation à Caen, Amine Bahr a intégré l'EM Normandie via le concours Passerelle. Une école à taille humaine, dynamique à l'international avec une vie étudiante et associative riche en expériences.
Elle aime le métier des achats car il est imprévisible. Elle a démarré dans l'industrie ferroviaire et travaille aujourd'hui chez Volvo au Canada.
Elle nous raconte son parcours professionnel, des grands groupes lessiviers jusqu'à Leetchi, comment elle a comblé sa soif de curiosité et trouvé un équilibre vie privée / vie professionnelle.
De Siemens à Amazon en passant par Vodafone, elle nous raconte son parcours dans le secteur des achats et ses nombreuses expériences à l'international.
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After a 3 or 4-year Degree
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After a 3 or 4-year Degree