
Professor in Cultural Management


Stoyan V. Sgourev is a Professor of Cultural Management He joined EM Normandie in February 2024. He has a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University awarded in 2004, and was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT Sloan. His research is focused on the creative industries, covering topics such as innovation and evaluation practices, technological change, and factors of creativity. He has also written on historical practices of management and of market construction. He has curated exhibitions and is active in promoting digital art.

Professional experience

Since 2024: professor in Cultural Management, EM Normandie 


Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Management in the Creative Industries
2024 : PhD in Sociology, Stanford University


  • Estévez, J-L, Salihović, D & Sgourev, S 2024, 'Endogenous dynamics of denunciation: Evidence from an inquisitorial trial', PNAS Nexus, vol. 3, Issue 9, September, p. 340.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S 2024, 'Timon Beyes. Organizing Color: Toward a Chromatics of the Social', Administrative Science Quarterly. FNEGE : 1* ; ABS : 4* ; FT50.


    Academic articles

  • Lampronti, S, Operti, E & Sgourev, S (forthcoming), 'Rivalry as a contextual factor of gender inequality in network returns', Journal of Management Studies. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4 ; FT50.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Aadland, E 2023, '“Burning the bridges”: escalation in the pursuit of authenticity', Theory and Society, vol. 52, pp. 65-93.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V, Aadland, E & Formilan, G 2022, 'Relations in Aesthetic Space: How Color Enables Market Positioning', Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 68, issue 1, pp. 146-185. FNEGE : 1* ; ABS : 4*. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2021, 'Categorical Bifurcation: The Rite of Spring at the Threshold of Modernism', Cultural Sociology, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 292-310.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2021, 'Materiality as a Basis for Valuation Entrepreneurship: Re-modeling Impressionism', Organization Science, vol. 32, issue 5, pp. 1149-1390. FNEGE : 1* ; ABS : 4*.


    Academic articles

  • Operti, E, Sgourev, S.V & Lampronti, S.Y 2021, 'Choose Your Enemies Well: Mapping, Managing, and Leveraging Rivalry', California Management Review, vol. 64, issue 1, november, pp. 29-46. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2021, 'Changing perspective: An “optical” approach to creativity', Poetics, vol. 89, December. 


    Academic articles

  • Cattani, G., Ferriani, S., Godart, F & Sgourev, S.V. 2020, 'The Aesthetic Turn in Strategy: Creating Value with Style', Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 42. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Operti, O, Lampronti, S.Y & Sgourev, S.V 2020, 'Hold Your Horses: Temporal Multiplexity and Conflict Moderation in the Palio di Siena (1743–2010)', Organization Science, vol. 31, issue 1, pp. 1-262. FNEGE : 1* ; ABS : 4*. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Operti, E 2019, 'From Montagues to Capulets: Analyzing the Systemic Nature of Rivalry in Career Mobility', Academy of Management Journal, vol. 61, n. 5.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Althuizen, N 2017, 'Is It a Masterpiece? Social Construction and Objective Constraint in the Evaluation of Excellence', Social Psychology Quarterly, vol. 80, issue 4, pp. 289-309. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & van Lent, W 2017, 'When too many are not enough: Human resource slack and performance at the Dutch East India Company (1700-1795)', Human Relations, vol. 70, issue 11, pp. 1293-1315. FNEGE : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2015, 'The Broker as a Catalyst:  How Diaghilev’s “Ballets Russes” Escalated Modernism', Organization Studies, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 343-361. FNEGE : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Althuizen, N & Sgourev, S.V 2014, 'Pièces de Résistance? Core and Casual Consumers' Valuations of Aesthetically Incongruent Artworks', Psychology and Marketing, vol. 31, issue 8, pp. 604-614. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Althuizen, N 2014, 'Notable” or “Not Able””? When Are Acts of Inconsistency Rewarded', American Sociological Review, vol. 79, issue 2, April, pp. 282-302. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & van Lent, W 2014, 'Balancing Permission and Prohibition: Private Trade and Adaptation at the VOC', Social Forces, vol. 93, issue 3, pp. 933-955. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2013, 'How Paris Gave Rise to Cubism (and Picasso): Ambiguity and Fragmentation in Radical Innovation', Organization Science, vol. 24, issue 6, November-December, pp. 1601-1869. FNEGE : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2013, 'The dynamics of risk in innovation: a premiere or an encore?', Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 22, issue 2, April, pp. 549-575. 


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2011, 'Leaving in Droves: Exit Chains in Network Attrition', The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 52, issue 3, pp. 421-441.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Zuckerman, Ezra W 2011, 'Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Irrational Overcommitment in an Industry Peer   Network', Rationality and Society, vol. 23, issue 1, February, pp. 3-34.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2011, 'Wall Street” meets Wagner: Harnessing institutional heterogeneity', Theory and Society, vol. 40, pp. 385-416.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2010, 'The Explosive Rise of a Political Party: The Logic of Sudden Convergence', European Sociological Review, vol. 26, issue 6, December, pp. 639-654.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V & Zuckerman, E 2006, 'Improving Capabilities Through Industry Peer Networks Change Management Analysis & Solution', Sloan Management Review.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S.V 2006, 'Lake Wobegon Upside Down: The Paradox of Status Devaluation', Social Forces, vol. 84, pp. 1497-1519.


    Academic articles

  • Zuckerman, E.W & Sgourev, S.V 2006, 'Peer Capitalism: Parallel Relationships in the U.S. Economy', American Journal of Sociology, vol. 111, n. 5.


    Academic articles

  • Sgourev, S, Santoni, S & Yu, E 2024, 'Legitimacy judgements and consensus among cultural intermediaries: Evidence from European art galleries, 1904–1915', EGOS Conference, Milan, Italy, July 3-6.


    Academic communications

  • Lampronti, S.Y, Operti, E & Sgourev, S. V 2018, 'Rivalry Flips the Script: Relational-Cognitive Differences in Gendered Response to Rivalry', Intra-organizational Network (ION) Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Sgourev, S.V 2025, 'Marché de l'art » : Histoire et état contemporain', Galerie Uniart, Nouvelle Université Bulgare, January 9.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Sgourev, S.V 2021, 'nside Out: When Ideas from the Core are Radicalized on the Periphery', Schuessler, E., Cohendet, P. and Svejenova, S. (Ed.) Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 75), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 19-37.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sgourev, S.V 2020, 'The Alchemy of Painting: How the Technology of Oil Paint Transmuted Art', Art. In: Strandgaard Pedersen, J., Slavich, B., Khaire, M. (eds) Technology and Creativity, Palgrave-McMillan, pp. 37-62, January.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sgourev, S.V 2018, 'Strange Bedfellows: Art and Finance or the Monet-ization of Art', Jones, C. and Maoret, M. (Ed.) Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 55), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 73-101.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sgourev, S.V 2016, 'Dangerous Liaisons: Bridging Micro and Macro Levels in Creativity Research', In: Corazza, G., Agnoli, S. (eds) Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking. Creativity in the Twenty First Century. Springer, Singapore, pp. 103-116. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sgourev, S.V 2009, 'When the Music Stopped: Complexity, Opacity and Risk', in “The Responsible Leadership” L’Extenso Editions. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sgourev, S. V 2024, 'Mode et cinéma : comédie romantique ou mariage de convenance ?', The Conversation, March 28.


    Articles in professional journals