Le Havre

Assistante Professor in Strategy


Rezvan Velayati is Assistant Professor in Strategy and she joined the EM Normandie in 2024. She is PhD candidate in Strategic Management at NEOMA Business School, France & The University of Antwer, Belgium. Her thesis focuses on crowdsourcing from a Contingency Logic perspective. Her research interests include Open Innovation (OI), sustainability and emerging technologies. Her papers have been published in esteemed peer-reviewed journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Technovation and International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. She has actively presented her work in top-tier conferences such as R&D Management Conference and the World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC). Also, she has organized multiple doctoral consortiums and research workshops with leading scholars internally and internationally. She has years of experience not only as an academic lecturer but also as a Senior Strategist and Senior Consultant in several industry projects. 

Professional experience

Since 2024 : Assistant Professor in Strategy EM Normandie

Strategy & entrepreneurship
Matières enseignées
Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Strategic management Research Methodology Project management Corporate Social Responsibility
2024 : PhD Student in Applied Economics, Neoma Business School, France


  • Nazarian, A, Rodríguez Molina, M-A, Velayati, R, Ruiz-Alba, J-L & Atkinso, P 2024, 'Trust in leader and positive employee outcomes: To transform or to serve in cross-cultural leadership', International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Bagherzadeh, M, Gurca, A & Velayati, R 2023, 'Crowdsourcing routines: the behavioral and motivational patterns of expert participation', Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 32, Issue 6, December, pp. 1393-1409. CNRS : 1 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Gurca, A, Bagherzadeh, M & Velayati, R 2023, 'Aligning the crowdsourcing type with the problem attributes to improve solution search efficacy', Technovation, vol. 119, January. CNRS : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Nazarian, A, Velayati, R, Foroudi, P, Edirisinghe, D & Atkinson, P 2021, 'Organizational justice in the hotel industry: Revisiting GLOBE from a national culture perspective', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 33(12), pp. 4418-4438. CNRS : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Velayati, R, Shabani, E & Nazarian, A 2020, 'Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Barriers to service innovation', Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, vol. 23(4), pp. 843-863. CNRS : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles