
Assistant Professor in Marketing


Oula Bayarassou is assistant professor in Marketing, and she joined the Em Normandie in 2023. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences (Speciality: Marketing) from Grenoble Alpes University awarded in 2019. Her doctoral research, dealing with brand hate, received two awards: "Le Prix du Cercle Marketing Client" - Thesis Award (2021) and The first award in the competition " Ma thèse (filmée) en 180 sec " -1st edition - 35th International Congress of the AFM -French Marketing Association- (2019).  She focuses on research areas as brand-consumer relationships, emotions and feelings towards brands, consumer psychology and qualitative and mixed methodologies. She was a lecturer at several business schools in Paris and different universities in France where she has overseen different courses such as marketing, creativity, innovation, business strategy, business games, data analysis, communication, qualitative and quantitative studies, consumer behavior, etc. as well as managing and supervising projects and market research… She has more than 10 years of experience with Le Sphinx as a consultant and trainer. 

Professional experience

Since 2023 : assistant professor in marketing, EM Normandie
2022-2023 : assistant professor in marketing, IPAG
2020-2022 : assistant professor in marketing, SCBS

Matières enseignées
2019 : PhD in Management Science, Université Grenoble Alpes


  • Bayarassou, O 2019, 'Training within the framework of the label CONseil et EXpertise', PhD in management Science, Université de Grenobles-Alpes, Grenoble, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Bayarassou, O., Becheur, I & Valette-Florence, P. 2020, '“Fight or flight”: coping responses to brand hate', Journal of Product and Brand Management, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 492-511. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Becheur I., Bayarassou O. & Gharib H. 2017, 'Beyond brand personality: building consumer-brand emotional relationship', Global Business Review, vol. 18, issue 3, pp. 128-144. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Bayaa Rassou, O 2024, 'From shadow to light: when body positivity inspires self love!', ACR Conference, Paris, France, September 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Bayaa Rassou, O, Becheur, I, Guizani, H, Bachouche, H & Cherif, E 2024, ', '“Mars and Venus” in femvertising? Gender influence on the perception of women's empowerment in advertising',the 25th World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius, June 25-29.


    Academic communications

  • Bayaa Rassou, O & Tafaouti, S.I 2024, 'Beyond Binaries : How Brands Navigate Gender Fluidity?', AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, USA, August 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Idrissi Tafraouti, S & Bayarassou, O 2023, 'The Perception Of Gender Fluidity In Fashion', 23 rd AMS World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, UK, July 11-14.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bachouche, H, Cherif, E & Pothin, G 2023, 'At the beginning, I’ve taken things lightly but with time fear came Emotions evolution at different stages of the health crisis and the role of media literacy Insights from online multi image elicitation', 48 th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Los Angeles, USA, May 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Cherif, E, Becheur, I & Guizani, H 2022, 'New social media Cinderella’s on the double effect of underdog status and homophily on SMI perceptions and purchase intentions An Abstract', Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Los Angeles, USA, May 25-27.


    Academic communications

  • Cherif, E & Bayarassou, O 2022, 'The effect of product and brand personalization of online personalized ads on eye tracking study', Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Los Angeles, USA, May 25-27.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bachouche, H, Cherif, E & Pothin, G 2022, 'Au debut je le prenais a la
    legere mais avec le temps la peur est venue l’ evolution des emotions aux differents stades
    de la crise sanitaire et role de la litteratie des medias eclairages par le mur d’images en
    ligne', 38eme Colloque International de l’AFM, Tunis, Tunisie, May 18-20.


    Academic communications

  • Louis, F & Bayarassou, O 2021, 'La communication des zones portuaires face aux défis du développement durable Réalité ou greenwashing', 3ème JMDD/ GIT AFM Marketing et Développement Durable, Troyes, France, December 9.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bachouche, H & Pothin, G 2021 , '"Ensemble, soutenons notre marque préférée" Quand l’amour pour la marque est plus fort que la crise sanitaire', 37eme Colloque International de l'AFM, Angers, France, 19-21 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Becheur, I & Valette Florence, P 2020, 'Generational Differences in Brand
    Hate Structured Abstract', Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, December 14-19. 


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Chabot, J, Haché Chiasson, N, Moscarola, J & Kasparian, S 2020, 'Les
    humanités numériques Contribution de l’ADT à la recherche et à l’enseignement en histoire
    avec Dataviv Cas des représentations des combattants britanniques et américains dans la
    propagande de la Première Guerre mondiale', 15 èmes Journées Internationales d'Analyse
    statistique des Données Textuelles,
    Toulouse, France, June 16-19.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Becheur, I & Valette Florence, P 2019, 'Brand hate impact of the fallacious brand character and the moderating role of the consumer's narcisstic trait', 6 the International Consumer Brand Relationship ™Conference, Cancun, Mexico, May 19-21.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Becheur, I & Valette Florence, P 2019, 'I hate this brand! A classification of brand haters based on their motivations and reactions', Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canad, May 29-31.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O & Valette Florence, P 2017, 'La haine envers la marque étude exploratoire grâce au protocole du mur d'images en ligne', 33ème Colloque International de l'AFM, Tours, France, May 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bouzid, I & Boughzala, Y 2015, 'La destination Tunisie en quelques mots Lexique, sentiments et perceptions des touristes français', 2eme conférence de l’AFMAT, Strasbourg, France, May 12-13.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Moscarola, J & Boughzala, Y 2015, 'La temporalité du Web Premiers résultats d’une enquête sur le Web et le rapport au temps', 20ème colloque de l’AIM, Rabat, Morocco, 20-22 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bouzid, I & Boughzala, Y 2015, 'L’usage des logiciels d’enquêtes et d’analyses en Tunisie Une étude auprès de professionnels et universitaires', First International Conference on Technologies of Info in education and training.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Bouzid,I & Boughzala, Y 2014, 'L’entreprise citoyenne mythe ou réalité ? Enquête franco tunisienne sur la perception de l’entreprise citoyenne grâce au protocole du mur d’images', 12 e Colloque International de l’ATM, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 4-5.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Boudali, R & Moscarola 2013, 'La haine dans la sphère des émotions exprimées envers les marques', 4 ème journées de l'URAM Le printemps du Marketing.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Boudali, R & Moscarola 2013, 'La haine envers la marque antécédents et effets sur le comportement', 11eme Colloque International de l’ATM.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Boughzala, Y, Moscarola, J & Harouchi, L 2012, 'Survey Software use in the Maghreb A comparative study between Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia', Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Boughzala, Y & Harouchi, L 2012, 'Quel usage des logiciels d’enquêtes et d’analyses de données au Maghreb Une étude comparative entre l’Algérie, le Maroc et la Tunisie', Première rencontre de Carthage sur la statistique Tunisie.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O, Ghrib, H, Becheur, I & Albert, N 2011, 'Amour pour la marque, personnalité de la marque, engagement affectif liens et impacts', 9eme Colloque International de l’ATM.


    Academic communications

  • Bayarassou, O 2024, ‘What is femvertising?’, Vidéo FNEGE Medias, February.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Bayarassou, O 2024, ‘Qu’est-ce que le Mur d’Images En Ligne (MIEL) ?’, Vidéo FNEGE Medias, February.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Bayarassou, O 2024, ‘How much can you hate a brand?’, Vidéo FNEGE Medias, February.


    Scientific dissemination videos