Magalie Treloahn



Associate Professor in Marketing


Magali Trelohan is an Associate Professor in Marketing. She joined EM Normandie in 2024. She has a PhD in management, awarded in 2013 by Université de Bretagne Sud. Her thesis was about influencing and nudging pro-environmental behaviors. Her research interests are focused on two topics: gender issues and pro-environmental behaviors. Her articles analyze the engagement and the empowerment around these two topics through the angle of organizational strategies and individual psychology and behaviors.

Professional experience

Since 2024 : Associate professor in Marketing, EM Normandie
2023-2024 : Associate professor, South Champagne Business School
2018-2022 : Assistant professor, South Champagne Business School
2017-2018 : Lecturer and Research Assistant, IUT of St Nazaire, University of Nantes
2013-2017 : Lecturer and Research Assistant, IMABS, University of South Brittany

Matières enseignées
Business seminar Démarche marketing Strategic marketing
2017 : PhD in Management Science, Université de Bretagne Sud


  • Trelohan, M 2017, 'The persuasion of environmental associations to make adopt environmental behavior by coastal recreational users', PhD in management science, Université de Bretagne Sud, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Trelohan, M (forthcoming), 'Compréhension du marketing mix social pour engager les usagers du littoral dans les comportements pro-environnementaux : Une analyse par le marketing-as-practice', Décisions Marketing. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2022, 'The Role of the Type of Experience in Inhibiting Gender Stereotypes of Vegetarian Products', Journal of Marketing Trends. FNEGE : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A, & Gentric, M 2022, 'Tourism development or nature protection? Lessons from a cluster analysis based on users of a French nature-based destination', Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, vol. 39, September. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Trelohan, M 2022, 'Do women engage in pro-environmental behaviours in the public sphere due to social expectations? The effects of social norm-based persuasive messages', VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, vol. 33, pp. 134-148. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Lagier, J, Montargot, N & Trelohan, M 2021, 'Quel est l’impact des réseaux affinitaires sur l’empowerment des backpackeuses voyageant en solitaire ?, Décisions Marketing, juillet, 2021/3 (N° 103), pp. 135-153. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • François-Lecompte, A, Trelohan, M, Gentric, M & Aquilina, M 2017, 'Putting sense of place at the centre of place brand development', Journal of Marketing Management, pp. 400-420. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Trelohan, M & Zahid, A 2024, ' Influence of gender-neutral language and adherence to gender stereotypes in brand communications on consumers’ engagement and attitudes', GENMAC conference, Edinburg, UK, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Zahid, A 2023, 'Gender neutral language in social media brand messages. An exploratory study of the perceptions of consumers', 52nd EMAC Annual Conference, Odense, Denmark, May 23-26.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2022, 'The attractiveness of vegetarian products to men and women. The role of gender and type of experience', AMS Annual Conference, Monterey, USA, May 25-27.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Zahid, A 2022, 'Le langage non sexiste dans les messages de marque sur les réseaux sociaux : quels effets sur l’attitude et l’engagement ?', 38ème Congrès International de l’Association Française de Marketing, Tunis, Tunisie, May 18-20.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2022, 'The attractiveness of vegetarian products to men and women. The role of gender and type of experience, International Marketing Trends Congress, Rome, italy, January 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2021, 'Gender Stereotypes of Meat Substitutes: The Effect of Product Labelling and Experience on the Perceived Attractiveness of the Product to Men and Women', 50th EMAC Annual Conference, Madraid, Spain, May 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2020, 'les stéréotypes genres des substituts de viande : effet de l’étiquetage du produit et de l’expérience sur l’attractivité du produit pour les hommes et les femmes', Journées Normandes de Recherche en Consommation, Caen, France, November 19-20.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M 2019, 'Brand Attachment: From profit to non-profit sector', 48th EMAC Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany, May 28-31.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M 2019, 'Attachement à la marque associative : déterminants et effets sur les comportements pro-environnementaux', 35ème Congrès International de l’Association Française de Marketing, Le Havre, France, May 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2018, 'Labelling a product as plant-based: influence on perceptions, appeal to men/women, taste, and intention to buy', 47th EMAC Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 29 June 1.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M & Stefan, J 2018, 'Influence de l'étiquetage d'un produit comme « végétarien » sur la perception, l'attractivité pour les hommes et les femmes, le goût et l'intention d’achat', 34ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Strasbourg, France, May 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A & Le Gall-Ely, M 2017, 'Influence de la marque et des normes sociales comme heuristiques dans une communication persuasive visant l'adoption de comportements pro-environnementaux', 33ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Tours, France, May 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A & Le Gall-Ely, M 2017, 'Acceptation ou rejet des messages persuasifs en faveur de comportements pro-environnementaux : le rôle de l'orientation des valeurs (égoïste, altruiste ou biosphérique)', 33ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Tours, France, 17-19 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Gentric, M, Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A & Aquilina, M 2016, 'Contribution of the experiential marketing in the valuation and conservation of a protected natural area. The case of the labell', International Marketing Trends Congress, Venise, Italy, Janurary 21-23.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A & Le Gall-Ely, M 2015, 'Strategies to normalise pro-environmental behaviour on the coastline', 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing, London, UK, June 29 - July 3.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M, François-Lecompte, A, Aquilina, M & Gentric, M 2015, 'L’esprit des lieux : quel rôle dans la labellisation d’un territoire touristique?', 6iémes journées scientifiques du Tourisme Durable, Canada, June 10-12.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M 2014, 'Le rôle de l’usager dans la protection du littoral', Colloque doctoral AFM, Montpellier, France, May 13-14.


    Academic communications

  • Trelohan, M 2022, 'Marketing Prédictif – data, machine learning et statistiques appliqués au marketing', Editions ENI.


    Research books

  • Trelohan, M 2018, 'Data Marketing – Statistiques appliquées au marketing avec Excel et R', Éditions ENI.


    Research books

  • Aquilina, M, François-Lecompte, A, Gentric, M & Trelohan, M 2021, 'Territoire exprimé et expression de soi. Une approche par les récits des usagers du Grand Site de France Dunes Sauvages de Gâvres à Quiberon' in Territoires fabriqués / territoires instrumentalisés, PUR


    Research books and book chapters

  • Trelohan, M 2024, 'Mobilisation et comportements pro-environnementaux', Journée Biodiversanté 2ème édition Trophées “Les Jardins d’Hippocrate”, Rennes, France, December 17.


    Communications in professional conferences