
Assistant Professor in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Academic Director of M1/M2 DESMI


Josip Marić is an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management and Decision Science. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in management science from the Université de Montpellier, awarded in 2018. His thesis is on sustainable development and digital transformation, with a specific focus on the implications of 3D printing technology. His research interests are Information Systems (IS), operations management, innovation and entrepreneurship. His research focuses mainly on digital technology, digital transformation, innovation and sustainable development. He is Academic Director of M1/M2 DESMI.

Professional experience

Since 2020: assistant professor, l'EM Normandie
2020: lecturer, IÉSEG Business School, Paris 
2018-2019: lecturer, SKEMA Business School, Paris 
2017-2018: research assistant, Montpellier Business School
2016-2017: visiting scholar, University of Wollongong,  Australia

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Innovation and entrepreneurship Supply Chain Management Management of information systems
2018 : PhD in Management Studies, Université de Montpellier


  • Maric, J 2018, 'Sustainability and responsibility in the digitalization era: a study of consumer-level 3DP technology', PhD in Management studies, Université de Montpellier.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Marić, J, Pejić-Bach, M & Gupta, S 2024, 'The origins of Digital Service Innovation (DSI): systematic review of ontology and future research agenda', Journal of Service Management (JoSM), Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 141-175. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Opazo-Basáez, M, Monroy-Osorio, J.C. & Marić, J (forthcoming), 'Evaluating the Effect of Green Technological Innovations on Organizational and Environmental Performance: A treble Innovation Approach', Technovation. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Opazo-Basáez, M, Vendrell-Herrero, F, Bustinza, O.F, Vaillant, Y, &  Marić, J 2023, 'Is digital transformation equally attractive to all manufacturers? Contextualizing the operational and customer benefits of smart manufacturing', International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM), Vol. 53 No. 4, pp. 489-511. FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Marić, J, Opazo-Basáez, M, Vlačić, B & Dabić, M (forthcoming), 'Innovation management of three-dimensional printing (3DP) technology: Disclosing insights from existing literature and determining future research streams', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 193, August. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J 2020, 'Exploring 3D printing technology in the context of product-service innovation: case study of a business venture in south of France', International Journal of Business Environment, vol. 11(3), pp. 222-238.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J 2020, 'Exploring 3D printing technology in the context of product-service innovation: case study of a business venture in south of France', International Journal of Business Environment, vol. 11(3), pp. 222-238.


    Academic articles

  • Zarco, C.G, Opazo-Basaez, M, Maric, J & Garcia Feijo, M 2020, 'Digitalization and the inception of concentric strategic alliances: a case study in the retailing sector'. Strategic Change, vol. 29(2), pp. 165-177. CNRS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Zarco, C.G, Opazo-Basaez, M, Maric, J & Garcia Feijo, M 2020, 'Digitalization and the inception of concentric strategic alliances: a case study in the retailing sector'. Strategic Change, vol. 29(2), pp. 165-177. CNRS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J & Opazo-Basaez, M 2019, 'Green servitization for flexible and sustainable supply chain operations: A review of reverse logistics services in manufacturing'. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, vol. 20(1), pp. 65-80.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J & Opazo-Basaez, M 2019, 'Green servitization for flexible and sustainable supply chain operations: A review of reverse logistics services in manufacturing'. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, vol. 20(1), pp. 65-80.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J 2018, 'The gender-based digital divide in maker culture: features, challenges and possible solutions', Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 27(3), pp.147-168. CNRS 4; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J 2018, 'The gender-based digital divide in maker culture: features, challenges and possible solutions', Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 27(3), pp.147-168. CNRS 4; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Frugal innovations and 3D printing: insights from the field', Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 21(3), pp. 57-76. CNRS 4; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Frugal innovations and 3D printing: insights from the field', Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 21(3), pp. 57-76. CNRS 4; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, '3D printing trends and discussing societal, environmental and ethical implications', Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, vol. 6, pp. 127-138.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, '3D printing trends and discussing societal, environmental and ethical implications', Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, vol. 6, pp. 127-138.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Responsible innovation and reverse logistics', Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, vol. 5, pp. 212-220.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Responsible innovation and reverse logistics', Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, vol. 5, pp. 212-220.


    Academic articles

  • Maric, J & Pejić-Bach, M 2024, 'The origins of digital service innovation (DSI): ontology and future research perspectives', 11th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS), Lisbon, Portugal, November 7-8.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J 2024, 'Disruptive technologies in healthcare – innovative use cases of additive manufacturing', DTA, Paris, France, December 2.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J & Ferrero, M.C.A 2024, 'The challenges of emerging technologies in the educational settings of a business school in France', 2nd Conference of Research in Entrepreneurship, Education and Technology (CREET), Cagliari, Italy, May 23-24.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J & Ferrero, M.C.A 2024, 'The challenges of emerging technologies in the educational settings of a business school in France', AIM Conference, Montpellier, May 27-29.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J 2023, 'The challenges and benefits of 3D printing technology as a pedagogical innovation in business and management disciplines', Entrenova, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 14-16.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J & Pejic-Bach, M 2023, 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a research phenomenon in digital servitization literature – expanding the relationship and highlighting future research perspectives', 10th International Conference on Business Servitization, Barcelona, Spain, November 9-10. 


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J 2022, 'Ethnography as a research approach in digital environment: insights from a research project on 3D printing technology in France', ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (ENTRENOVA), Opatjia, Croatia, June 17-18.


    Academic communications

  • Upadhayay, N.B, Gupta, S, Rocchetta, S, Kamble, S & Maric, J 2022, 'Automotive industry- on the road to servitization', 9th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2022), Malaga, Spain, November 17-18.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J 2019, '3D printing technology adoption and future tendencies', 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Gemany, December 15-18.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J 2019, '3D printing technology adoption and future tendencies', 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Gemany, December 15-18.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2018, '3D printing technology adoption in the context of the collaborative working spaces', XXVII AIMS conference, Montpellier, France, June 6-8. 


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2018, 'The importance of co-working spaces in 3D printing technology adoption and diffusion', 23ème Congrès de l’Association Information et Management (AIM 2018), Montreal, Canada, May 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2018, 'The importance of co-working spaces in 3D printing technology adoption and diffusion', 23ème Congrès de l’Association Information et Management (AIM 2018), Montreal, Canada, May 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2018, '3D printing technology adoption in the context of the collaborative working spaces', XXVII AIMS conference, Montpellier, France, June 6-8. 


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Discussions on Disruptive Potential of the 3D Printing Technology', Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO), Paris, France, March 3-4.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Discussions on Disruptive Potential of the 3D Printing Technology', Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO), Paris, France, March 3-4.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Open and Responsible Innovations for Creating Competitive Advantage', 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) – I.S. in a Changing Economy and Society, Samos, Greece, October 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Practical acceptability of responsible innovation', Forum Innovation VII conference, Paris, France, Juin 9-11.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Open and Responsible Innovations for Creating Competitive Advantage', 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) – I.S. in a Changing Economy and Society, Samos, Greece, October 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Practical acceptability of responsible innovation', Forum Innovation VII conference, Paris, France, Juin 9-11.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, j, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Disruptiveness in the context of 3D printing technology', 21ème Congrès de l’Association Information et Management (AIM 2016), Lille, France, May 18-20.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, j, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2016, 'Disruptiveness in the context of 3D printing technology', 21ème Congrès de l’Association Information et Management (AIM 2016), Lille, France, May 18-20.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Examining responsible innovation concept of integrated reverse logistic model', 20ème congrès international de l'AIM (AIM 2015), Rabat, Morocco, May 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2015, 'Examining responsible innovation concept of integrated reverse logistic model', 20ème congrès international de l'AIM (AIM 2015), Rabat, Morocco, May 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Rodhain, F, Fallery, B & Marić, J 2024, 'Negative and positive externalities of ICTs – on the pursuit of research based on the principles of trust and responsibility' in J. Paliszkiewicz, K. Chen, M. Mendel Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice, Ed.Routledge, chapter 2.


    Research books

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2014, 'Information Systems and Reverse Logistics: Examining Drivers of Implementation on Multiple Case-Study Scenario', In W. Kersten, T. Blecker & C.M. Ringle (Eds.). Next Generation Supply Chains, pp. 211-221, Berlin (Germany), epubli GmbH.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Maric, J, Rodhain, F & Barlette, Y 2014, 'Information Systems and Reverse Logistics: Examining Drivers of Implementation on Multiple Case-Study Scenario', In W. Kersten, T. Blecker & C.M. Ringle (Eds.). Next Generation Supply Chains, pp. 211-221, Berlin (Germany), epubli GmbH.


    Research books and book chapters