christine bernadas

Christine BERNADAS


Associate Professor in Information Systems


Christine Bernadas is an Associate Professor of Information Systems. She joined EM Normandie in 2011. She has a PhD in business administration from A.R Sanchez, J.R. School of Business, Texas A&M International University, awarded in 2007. Her thesis is on the factors that facilitate or hinder the maintenance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Her research interests are the impact of information systems and information technology on organisations. Three main research areas: impact on SMEs, global impact (cross-cultural research) and impact of enterprise systems (such as ERPs) from purchase to maintenance.

Professional experience

Since 2011: associate professor in information systems, EM Normandie
2007-2011: assistant professor, Central Washington University

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Information System
2007 : PhD in International Business Administration, A.R Sanchez, J.R. School of Business, Texas A&M International University


  • Palanisamy, R, Verville, J, Bernadas, C & Taskin, N 2010, 'Influences on the Acquisition of Enterprise Software: A practitioner Perspective', Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM), vol. 23, no. 5, pp.610-639; CNRS: 4; AERES


    Academic articles

  • Verville, J, Palanisamy, R, Bernadas, C & Halingten, A 2007, 'ERP Acquisition Planning: A Critical Dimension for Making the Right Choice', Long Range Planning, vol. 40, no. 1, pp.45-63; CNRS: 3


    Academic articles

  • Bernadas, C & Verville, J 2005, 'Disparity of the Infusion of E-Business within SMEs: A Global Perspective', International Journal on Technology Management (IJTM), vol. 31, no. 1/2, pp.39-46; CNRS: 1 étoile


    Academic articles

  • Bernadas, C, Verville, J & Burton, J 2012, 'A myriad of digital divides: A global comparison of internet and cellular divides', International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, vol. 3, no. 1, pp.15-44


    Other academic contributions

  • Pena-Sanchez, R, Verville, J & Bernadas, C 2011, 'Isolating the key variables for Regression Models in Enterprise Software Acquisition Decisions: A Blocking Technique', Journal of Business & Economics Research, vol. 5, no. 8, pp.57-66


    Other academic contributions

  • Palanisamy, R, Verville, J & Bernadas, C 2010, 'Cultural Influences on the Decision Process for Acquiring Enterprise Software: A Comparison of Mexico and United States', International Journal of Global Management Studies (IJGMS), vol. 2, no. 2, pp.35-66


    Other academic contributions

  • Bernadas, C (ed.) 2009, 'E-health Websites: What do we know about their Interactivity?', E-Business Review, vol. 9, pp.22-25


    Other academic contributions

  • Bernadas, C (ed.) 2008, 'Landscape of Mobile CRM: some preliminary findings', E-Business Review, vol. 8, pp.43-46


    Other academic contributions

  • Bernadas, C (ed.) 2007, 'An International Perspective about E-commerce and SME: Some Preliminary Results', E-Business Review, vol. 7, pp.37-40


    Other academic contributions

  • Bernadas, C & Hallier, B 2014, 'Exploring non-experts’ preconceptions on the use of Crowdsourcing as an innovative tool', European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), Brighton, United Kingdom, July, 10-11


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C, Lupton, N & Braunstein, L 2010, 'Interactivity in online courses: Case of A customer relationship management course', Proceedings of MEA conference, October, 29


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C 2009, 'E-health Websites: What do we know about their Interactivity?', Proceedings of the conference of the International Academy of e-business (IAEB), Las Vegas, USA, October, 18-21


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C 2008, 'Landscape of Mobile CRM: some preliminary findings', Proceedings of the Conference of the International Academy of e-business (IAEB), Las Vegas, USA, October, 19-22


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C 2008, 'A Myriad of Digital Divides', Proceedings of ISOneWorld Conference, Las Vegas, USA, June, 2-4


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C 2007, 'An International Perspective about E-commerce and SME: Some Preliminary Results', Proceedings of the conference of the International Academy of e-business (IAEB), Las Vegas, France, October, 14-17


    Academic communications

  • Sanchez, R, Verville, J & Bernadas, C 2007, 'Isolating the Key Variables for Regression Models in Enterprise Software Acquisition Decisions: A Blocking Technique', Proceedings of the 2007 Applied Business Research (ABR) Conference, (Best paper Award)


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C & Cavazos-Garza, A 2006, 'Evolution of FDI Agents and Strategies in Latin America Countries: ECLAC Perspective', Proceedings of AIB Conference (U.S. SouthWestern chapter)


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C 2003, 'SMEs and E-business: A Global Perspective', the ISOneWorld Conference


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C & Chartier, A 2000, 'The contribution of professional literature in the knowledge growth: the case of electronic commerce', ACFAS Conference, Sherbrooke, Canada


    Academic communications

  • Bernadas, C & Culié, J-D 2016, 'Silver Economie : Opportunités en Normandie', Rencontres e-Santé "Parcours Patient", Pôle TES, Caen, France, 20 octobre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Bernadas, C, Culié, J-D, Mouakhar, K & Vo, L-C 2017, 'Projet Ardeco, Rapport final', pp. 1-248


    Research or consulting reports

  • Bernadas, C 2015, 'Usages des e-services dans les villes', Contrat ARDECO, Rapport d'activité, vol. juin, pp. 1-40


    Research or consulting reports