Learning Center
Our missions
- Welcome all EM Normandie visitors (students, professors, staff)
- Assist and train in documentary research
- Answer documentary questions
- Monitor and collect the needs of EM Normandie and its partners
- Acquire, manage and communicate documents
- Produce and distribute documentary resources
- Participate in the School's scientific, technical and educational activities
- Cooperate with other libraries as part of national or regional networks
Benefit from a dedicated team to answer all your questions.
Our services
- Access to the Virtual Learning Center (numerous databases at your disposal: market and financial studies, ebooks, digital journals, academic articles, online library catalogues, tutorials and advice, etc.).
- Access to printed collections and various materials (games, headphones, tablets, earplugs, etc.)
- Loan of books and magazines on campus and at home
- Shuttle loans between campuses
- Interlibrary loans (ILL)
- Workshops throughout the year to train you in documentary research and answer your questions
- Spaces and rooms with different atmospheres for individual or group work
The Virtual Learning Center gives you access to all the online resources of the School's 5 libraries.

Campus d'Oxford
OxLEP Ltd, Jericho Building (1st Floor), Activate Learning - Oxford Oxpens Road
OX1 1SA Oxford