Les approches terrain


Learning on the job

Go on a study trip to meet professionals

Travel provides a golden opportunity. What could be better than learning on the job? There are two study trips for M2/ MS Territorial Strategies and Management of Transitions students, allowing them to get out there and discover the world. Students can travel to Brussels or the UK to gain an insight into how economic development can be done differently.

Sébastien Bourdin
Professor in Economic Geography

Meet regional stakeholders in other countries. Observe and analyse how they tackle regional and economic development and how regional governance is handled.

Use these two study trips to consolidate your learning, and to find out about regional development challenges and implications outside France.

Work as a business consultant

This opportunity was launched in 1998 in partnership with HEC Entrepreneurs. Teams of three to four students work together to solve a real problem put forward by a company manager or executive. They have four to five weeks to come up with a solution and propose recommendations to the company. At the end of the assignment, the teams will present an oral defence to a panel of professionals invited by the School, to put forward their recommendations. This partnership has already led to over 1,500 business consultancy assignments by EM Normandie students.

Virginie HACHARD
Associate professor in Finance

Throughout your consultancy assignment the School’s professors will provide methodological mentoring sessions, to guide you on your working methods and give you research tips.

Missions de consulting pour une entreprise


Timeline for a junior consultancy project. Companies are involved with steps 3-5.


Assignment topics are usually tailored to your course, so assignments may cover market surveys, business intelligence, setting up a business, logistics, human resources, marketing development or financial or strategic analysis.


Missions Finance des Groupes - 2018
Missions Finance des Groupes - 2018