Case Studies
Analyse specific aspects in-depth by responding individually or in groups to the questions asked by your professor, and utilise your theoretical knowledge. Share your vision and engage in a wider debate with the whole group.
Case studies are an educational tool which facilitate session planning. They allow students to guide their own learning, and enable a mix of focus time, discussion, reflection, creative time and a balance of theory and practice.
Case study sessions can be taught in a range of ways, as explained on the teaching note available to teaching staff. Case study sessions can be fun if you use games. I have created and published two roleplays with playing cards, available from the CCMP.
Assistant professor in Organizational Theory Management, Negociation
- Use new technologies to gather different kinds of information, and think about how to introduce your case study, using summary text, interviews, videos or a mix of the above.
- A crucial phase of your case study is to lead an individual or group reflection session on your specific subject of interest, which can be applied when you find business cases that are of particular interest to you.
- Feed back your analysis to the group and compare your viewpoints and experiences.
- Then discuss with your professor theoretical contributions that may help you to better understand the organisational phenomenon described in the study.
- Explore the subject further by holding a debate with your group and professor Engage with this initial stage and find solutions to a defined issue.
Use case studies to analyse data
Nowadays, data management is an essential role within organisations, and generates a high demand for people analysis skills. The “Data Management” course provides students with the methods and tools that they need to manage HR data as part of their work-study programme. It is a practical course with interactive workshops and case studies that are used to develop and analyse HR data. These workshops combine video modules, peer feedback and team projects. Students produce a final report based on their work-study programme or on an organisation that interests them.
Associate professor in Human Ressources Management
Learn how to identify, code, and categorise useful data sources for a range of statistical approaches. Integrate legal, security and ethical aspects into your practices to improve HR data in your organisation.
Work as a team to analyse a company's international strategy
Each team of five to six students analyses the international strategy implemented by a company of their choice based in the European Union and established in a country or region located outside the EU, for example Chanel in China. This involves assessing its global competition credentials, analysing how competition affects its establishment and measuring the effectiveness of its international strategy. Students will therefore be encouraged to think about how the company could improve its performance on this market.
Yihan WANG
Assistant professor in Strategic Management
Give a 15-minute presentation as a team, and hold a question-and-answer session with your audience. You will be assessed on your technical integrity, your ability to respond to an issue and on the quality of your presentation.
Study the establishment of the company of your choice in Japan, the United States, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Morocco, China, Nigeria, Canada or elsewhere.
Examples of companies that have already been studied:

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