
Assitant Professor in Finance


Yasmine Essafi Zouari is an Assistant Professor of Finance and she joined EM Normandie in 2022. She holds a PhD in Finance from PSL-Paris-Dauphine University, obtained in 2018. Her thesis analyses the dynamics of residential real estate prices in France. Her research focuses on real estate investment and territorial dynamics. Her publications are related to asset management concepts, portfolio optimization, territorial and real estate dynamics, and inflation. Yasmine has taught at PSL-Paris-Dauphine University, Paris-Est-Créteil University, Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI), and the American University in the Emirates (AUE). She has also worked as a market analyst at MeilleursAgents.com and BNP Paribas Real Estate.

Professional experience

Depuis 2022 : Assitant Professor of Finance, EM Normandie
2022 : Assitant Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration COBA, American University in the Emirates
2020-2021 : Assitant Professor of Finance, ESPI

Law, finance & control
Matières enseignées
Analyse Financière International Finance
2018 : PhD in finance, Université PSL-Paris-Dauphine


  • Essafi Zouari, Y 2018, 'Prix et rendements de l'immobilier résidentiel en France : effets démographiques et investissement dans la Métropole Parisienne', thèse de doctorat en finance, Université PSL-Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Essafi Zouari, Y & Nasreddine, A 2024, 'Housing in the greater Paris area as an inflation hedge?', International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, vol. 17, n. 3, pp. 837-858. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Essafi Zouari,Y., Nasreddine A. & Simon A. 2022, 'Optimal portfolio allocation in presence of housing: the case of Parisian communes', Journal of Housing Research, pp. 1-24.


    Academic articles

  • Essafi Zouari, Y., Simon, A. & Languillon-Aussel R. 2021, 'A methodology to analyze local housing wealth divergences in an aging shock context - Application to the case of France', European Planning Studies, vol. 29, n°6, p. 1071-1091. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Essafi Zouari, Y., Languillon-Aussel R. & Simon A. 2017, 'Ce que le lien prix des logements - vieillissement peut dire du Big Bang territorial, Big Bang territorial 2', La consultation scientifique francophone de la Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine.


    Academic articles

  • Simon A. & Essafi, Zouari, Y. 2017, 'Concurrence générationnelle et prix immobiliers', Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, vol. 2017, n°1, p. 109-140.


    Academic articles

  • Drouhin, P-A., Essafi Zouari, Y. & Simon, A. 2015, 'Forward Curve Risk Factors Analysis in the UK Real Estate Market', Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 53, n°4, p. 494-526. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Essafi Zouari, Y & Nasreddine, A 2023, 'Housing in the Greater Paris area as an inflation hedge?', International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Crete, Greece, June 10-12.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y 2022, 'Real Estate Facing Global Structural Changes : Critical Insights from Tokyo and Paris’ Markets', Institut français de recherche sur le Japon & Maison Franco Japonaise, Tokyo, Japan, November.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y 2020, 'Academic research in real estate finance', ESPI2R conference, Paris, France, November.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y Simon A & Nasreddine, A 2019, 'The role of housing within a mixed-asset portfolio; the case of direct housing investment in the Greater Paris Region', Association Française de Finance (AFFI) Conference, Montréal, Canada, June 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y, Simon A. & Nasreddine, A 2018, 'Optimal portfolio allocation in presence of housing', European Networking for Housing Research (ENHR)PhD workshop at Real Estate Management Institute (REMI), Wiesbaden, Germany, May.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y & Simon A 2017, 'Le prix des logements comme facteur de recomposition spatiale à l'heure du papy-boom', Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française (ASRDLF), Athena, July.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y & Simon, A 2017, 'Housing market and demography, evidence from French panel', European Networking for Housing Research (ENHR), Tirana, Albany, September.


    Academic communications

  • Simon, A & Essafi Zouari, Y 2016, 'Concurrence générationnelle et prix immobiliers', Association Française de Science Économique (AFSE), Nancy, France, 27-29 juin.


    Academic communications

  • Essafi Zouari, Y & Simon, A 2015, 'Housing market and demography, evidence from French panel', European Real Estate Society (ERES), Istanbul, Turkey, June 24-27.


    Academic communications

  • Simon, A, Languillon-Aussel, Bourdin, S & Essafi Zouari, Y 2018, 'Quand le papy-boom explique le prix des logements et les recompositions territoriales', The Conversation, January 11.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Essafi Zouari, Y. & Simon A. 2016, Formation des valeurs foncières - Le facteur démographique', Revue foncière.


    Articles in professional journals